

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

This Just In: Berkeley County

July 3
Gail Cox vs. James Michael Barrett
PA - D. Michael Burke; J - Gray Silver
* Cox, as next friend and mother of Rachel Cox, claims that Rachel and a friend were walking in Martinsburg on June 2, 2004, when Barrett lost control of his van and struck the children. Cox claims Rachel was injured, and the defendant never stopped to check on Rachel or her friend. Cox is seeking at least $25,000 plus other relief.
Case number: 07-C-573

July 5
The Embassy of Papua New Guinea vs. Graham Michael
PA - D. Frank Hill III; J - Christopher Wilkes
* The suit claimed Michael fraudulently obtained funds from the Embassy, and a foreign judgment was entered in Washington, D.C., in favor of the plaintiff, for the amount of $70,052 plus court costs.
Case number: 07-C-574

July 6
Heiston Supply Co. Inc. vs. John Cleminson
PA - Christopher Janelle; J - Gray Silver
* The plaintiff claims Cleminson orchestrated a fraud and embezzlement scheme while he was employed with the company from 2001 to February 2007. The plaintiff claims it suffered a total loss of more than $750,000, and the company is seeking at least $1 million in relief.
Case number: 07-C-579


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