

Saturday, April 20, 2024

CIVIL FILINGS: Cabell County

Jan. 4
Thomas S. Talbert and his child, T.M.T. vs. Cabell County Commission
PA- pro se
* On Sept. 10, 2005, Talbert was arrested and charged with felony third offense driving under the influence of alcohol and was subsequently convicted of the offense. Talbert claims he had served more than 10 years in prison for previous convictions that were dismissed and the Sept. 10, 2005, offense was dismissed due to invalid prior convictions. Talbert claims the defendant caused him to be subjected to imprisonment without the lawful authority to do so. The defendant’s actions caused Talbert’s child to suffer damages, including having to grow up without the benefit of having his father present, he says. Talbert is seeking judgment for the damages that a jury finds he is entitled to have.
Case number: 13-C-10

Cynthia K. Mills and Richard H. Mills vs. Steven Scott Brumfield, M.D.
PA- Richard E. Holtzapfel; J- David M. Pancake
* On Feb. 14, 2011, a laparoscopy was performed at St. Mary’s on Cynthia Mills, and she returned three days later with severe pain, a fever and other problems. Exploratory surgery showed there was a perforation within the anterior rectum and removed a portion of her colon. Cynthia Mills claims she continued to have problems and was re-hospitalized in September 2011 with a bowel obstruction. The couple is seeking compensatory damages.
Case number: 13-C-12

Jan. 10
Jessica L. Moore vs. St. Mary’s Medical Center
PA- Lonnie C. Simmons, Robert M. Bastress III, Olubunmi T. Kusimo-Frazier; J- David M. Pancake
* On March 5, 2011, Moore suffered an on-the-job injury and treated herself for approximately four weeks before seeing an occupational doctor, who then diagnosed her with impingement syndrome of the left shoulder. Because of the injury, Moore could no longer lift heavy objects and was placed on light duty. On Nov. 23, 2011, Moore was informed she was being laid off, but that her employment was terminated because she would not be permitted to return to work unless she was able to perform her duties without restriction. Moore is seeking compensatory and punitive damages.
Case number: 13-C-23


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