

Sunday, September 29, 2024


Dark money and bullying tactics at the state Capitol

By Stephen New |
CHARLESTON – For 25 years now, West Virginia and her citizens have been victimized by a ruthless, unrelenting attack. Why? Because corporate billionaires want to increase their profits at the expense of our state's reputation, our bank accounts and our constitutional rights.

Campaign finance legislation provides greater transparency

By Mac Warner |
CHARLESTON – Transparency is the key component of good campaign finance policy. As we progress through the 21st Century, easily accessible and complete information is not only possible, it’s absolutely necessary for citizens to stay informed on how government is spending tax dollars, conducting business and passing laws.

Walmart patron awarded $17 million after shoplifter knocked her down

By The West Virginia Record |
Walmart patron awarded $17 million after shoplifter knocked her down

The end of the session is here ... thankfully, now to begin 'betterment' of public education

By Hoppy Kercheval |
CHARLESTON – The 2019 regular session of the West Virginia Legislature came to an end at midnight Saturday, and just in time. It’s hard to recall when there was such acrimony among lawmakers under the Capitol dome.

Leniency for Loughry is a tough sale

By The West Virginia Record |
Assuming his motives are pure, an intervention from a D.C. political consultant on former state Supreme Court Justice Allen Loughry’s behalf is a nice gesture. Still, if anyone deserves to be punished severely for breaking the law, it’s a judge.

SBA administrator celebrates two years of supporting entrepreneurs

By Michelle Christian |
Dear Editor: Shortly after President Trump swore her in as U.S. Small Business Administrator, Linda McMahon vowed to meet as many small business owners and their employees as she could.

West Virginia doesn't need an intermediate court of appeals

By Steve Canterbury |
CHARLESTON – Like that poison ivy sprout that comes back every spring, legislation to create an Intermediate Appellate Court in West Virginia is back yet again. It’s no more necessary now than it has ever been, and it’s just as noxious as that stubborn poison ivy.

Legislature needs reformation before school reform can happen

By Charles McElwee |
CHARLESTON – When Senate President Mitch Carmichael (R-Jackson) calls for reform of our public education system, the place to start is with the West Virginia Legislature itself.

No need to oppose legislation that saves money

By The West Virginia Record |
If we can save money by passing Senate Bill 318 (to move the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit to be under control of the state Attorney General's office) and at the same time protect benefits going to legitimate claimants, let’s do it.

Shock for Republicans: A strike for schools as teachers refuse to sell out students

By Christopher J. Regan |
The Republicans designed Senate Bill 451 as straightforwardly as any protection racket. A 5 percent raise for West Virginia’s educators, inextricably linked to a series of proposals to weaken her public schools. The text of the bill explicitly stated that if any part of its “omnibus” provisions were found unconstitutional or illegal, the raise would be taken away.

Loughry’s legacy will live on in the (Steve) Canterbury Tales

By The West Virginia Record |
Former state Supreme Court justice is going to prison – and he won’t be lounging on a $32,000 blue suede couch in his cell.

Fewer school districts would mean real education reform

By Steve Canterbury |
Eliminating the 55 school districts and replacing them with about a dozen would dramatically drop the cost of administration to the point that every teacher could get a raise and the taxpayers would still save money.

Opposition to charter schools doesn't make sense

By Gary Dungan |
It is puzzling to us that there could be such great acceptance of public charter schools in New Orleans and such total opposition from the unions and the school boards, including the State School Board, in West Virginia, where our public schools rank near the bottom in achievement.

Insuring cars that don’t exist

By The West Virginia Record |
Have government employees taken the same cavalier attitude toward state vehicles that some state Supreme Court justices have taken toward furniture and other property belonging to the taxpayers?

Manchin replays catastrophic 2016 governor's race strategy

By Christopher J. Regan |
WHEELING – Way back before the beginning of time, in early 2015, West Virginia began to talk about the Governor’s race. Earl Ray Tomb​​​​​lin was finishing up and the seat would be open.

Preserving the integrity of West Virginia's election system

By Mac Warner |
CHARLESTON – Recently, Texas media reported that approximately 58,000 non-U.S. citizens may have voted in Texas elections. While Texas Secretary of State David Whitley took proactive steps to ensure the integrity of Texas’s elections, reports like this reinforce the overwhelming need to remain vigilant in protecting our elections.

Getting around third-party rules for bigger cash haul

By The West Virginia Record |
In short, if you want to make a third-party bad-faith claim, just say the third party’s not a third party.

We can tell West Virginia's story the best

By Bill Bissett |
While the Huntington Regional Chamber of Commerce does many things, such as advocating for our membership and promoting opportunities in our region, this position has given me greater insight related to a question that I have asked myself throughout my career — How do we make West Virginia a better place to live, work and thrive?

Innovation is key to transforming education

By John Perdue and Kent Leonhardt |
CHARLESTON – When there is a good idea, a truly viable option to move our state forward, we should work together to transform that idea into a tangible opportunity. The road to progress has fewer bumps when we travel in the same direction. As State Agriculture Commissioner and State Treasurer, we agree that “road to progress” begins with education.

‘Nip it in the bud!’

By The West Virginia Record |
That’s what Deputy Barney Fife would blurt out on “The Andy Griffith Show” whenever a citizen of Mayberry would step out of line just a bit.