
Postal worker sues over falling into hole delivering mail


Monday, March 31, 2025

Postal worker sues over falling into hole delivering mail

CHARLESTON - A Kanawha County mailman has filed a suit against a local landowner, after he was injured while delivering mail to the property.

William Belt filed a suit May 12 in Kanawha Circuit Court, against Elmer Jones Jr., Maggie Jones and James L. Pannell.

According to the suit, there was a hole on property owned by Elmer Jones. Pannell was the tenant on the property. The suit says Pannell fell in the hole and attempted to cover it with a rock to avoid further injury.

Belt is an employee of the United States Postal Service and delivers mail to Jones' property.

On May 12, 2006, Belt was delivering mail when he fell due to the hole. While attempting to break his fall, Belt extended his right arm and fell on it, causing injury to his neck and back, which included a bulged disc, causing pain and numbness. Belt claims his injuries are permanent in nature.

The suit says the defendants are responsible for Belt's injuries, as they had a duty to provide safe property.

According to the suit, Belt incurred medical expenses in excess of $28,000 and is continuing to receive medical treatment.

Belt seeks compensatory damages to cover his expenses, pain and suffering and loss of capacity to enjoy life.

Attorney James M. Pierson is representing Belt. The case has been assigned to Judge Charles King.

Kanawha Circuit Court case number 08-C-921


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