

Monday, September 23, 2024


June 22
Dorothy Metz vs. Shelia Logston and David Wamsley
PA – Brian L. Ooten; J – Waters
*The plaintiff, a Parkersburg resident, is suing the defendants for injuries she sustained on June 26, 2009, when a Pit Bull owned by Logston at the apartment complex owned by Wamsley attached and bit her. She seeks unspecified damages, attorney fees, court costs and interest.
Case number: 11-C-253

June 29
City of Parkersburg vs. Randall Howard Craig and Richard Wilhelm
PA – Joseph Santer; J – Waters
*The plaintiff is suing Craig, its former finance director, to recover funds for which he fraudulently billed the city for his personal use including one occasion in which Wilhelm conspired with Craig to submit false invoices for a public works project. It seeks judgment against the defendants for $18,583.94 plus court costs.
Case number: 11-C-256

June 30
Bernard R. McCormick and Bertha M. McCormick vs. Paul G. Nadie, M.D.
PA – Ira M. Haught; J – Beane
*The plaintiffs are suing the defendant for medical malpractice when in the course of performing an Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and bronchosopy at Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital on May 11, 2009, Nadie placed a chest tube into Bernard that failed to function properly causing in air leaking into his subcutaneous space resulting in the swelling of his neck, chest and face. Bertha makes a claim for loss of consortium. They seek unspecified damages and interest.
Case number: 11-C-257

July 12
Carol Elaine Dodd, as administratrix of the estate of Thelma Cantley vs. Remigio Jacob, M.D.
PA – William A. Davis; J – Reed
*The plaintiff is suing the defendant for wrongful death after Cantley was admitted to Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital's emergency room on Sept. 21, 2009, and Jacob ordered a CT scan with contrast that failed to detect an acute tubular necrosis and renal failure that resulted in Cantley's death the next day. She seeks unspecified damages, an interest.
Case number: 11-C-276


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