

Monday, May 13, 2024

This just in: Ohio County

Oct. 17
Rabbi Ronald H. Bernstein-Goff vs. Harold Burech and Temple Shalom, Congregation L'Shem Shamayim
J- Gaughan; PA- Jenna Perkins Wood
* Goff and Burech entered into an agreement which stated that all disputes were to be handled by the National Commission on Rabbinical Congregational Relationships. The NCRCR recommended that upon Goff's separation from the Temple he was to be paid until June 2008. The Temple has paid Goff's salary and benefits but indicates it will only do so until November 2006. Goff maintains the Temple failed to fulfill contractual financial obligations and seeks salary, benefits, and attorney fees and costs.

Oct. 19
Patricia M. Boyd vs. Northwood Drive Condominium
J- Recht; PA- David L. Delk
* Boyd is a resident of a Northwood Drive Condominium. Under an agreement between the unit owners and occupants, Northwood is responsible for repairs and replacements made to the condominium. Boyd claims NDC has failed to repair the cracked foundation of her condominium building which would total $15,000. Boyd maintains that NDC's failure and refusal to uphold the contract caused her to incur additional fees and problems. She seeks compensation and requests specific performances as required in the contract.
Case number: 06-C-379

Oct. 23
Gary L. Detemple vs. Bobbi J. Michael, et al.
J- Wilson; PA- Gary L. Detemple, pro se
* Detemple owns property at the end of a right of way. He claims Michael and other neighbors have encroached upon the right of way, thereby making his property inaccessible. Detemple maintains the Village of Bethlehem has refused to allow him to use the right of way, despite his neighbors' blockage of the area by erection of various items such as shrubbery, fencing, furniture, and a parking slab. Detemple seeks the removal of these items, costs, and no further intrusion of the area.
Case number 06-C-380

Fidelity National Title Insurance vs. Experienced Title Insurance
J- Wilson; PA- Kenneth E. Webb, Esq.
* Fidelity and Experienced entered into an Issuing Agency Agreement in which Fidelity appointed ETI a title insurance agent. ETI agreed to reimburse Fidelity for loss sustained on account of ETI's negligent conduct related to issuance of title assurances. Fidelity sustained losses of $34,000.00 and claims ETI has failed to reimburse them. Fidelity claims a breach of contract and seeks the amount in question along with attorney's fees and costs.
Case number: 06-C-381

Laurie Wren, et al. vs. Entertainment Unlimited, LLC, d/b/a Fiddlestix
J- Gaughan; PA- Jacob Robinson
* Wren, a patron at Fiddlestix, maintains she sustained bodily injury after Rivetti, an intoxicated patron, resorted to violence. Wren claims the bar owed it to the public not to provide Rivetti alcohol because of his highly inebriated state and that they failed to help her through the ordeal. Wren seeks judgment, compensatory damages, and an amount in excess of jurisdictional limits.
Case number: 06-C-382


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