
Morrisey backs Legislature's probe into Planned Parenthood funding


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Morrisey backs Legislature's probe into Planned Parenthood funding


CHARLESTON — West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey has issued public support of the state Legislature's investigation into Planned Parentood in the state.

In a press release, Morrisey said he sent a letter to West Virginia Senate President Bill Cole and Speaker Tim Armstead in support of the Legislature’s efforts to investigate Planned Parenthood operations in West Virginia.

Videos released by the Center for Medical Progress alleging that Planned Parenthood has sold fetal organs and tissue in violation of federal law, several states recently have opened investigations into local Planned Parenthood affiliates and clinics.

All five of West Virginia’s federal representatives are involved in efforts to intervene in the actions of Planned Parenthood in Congress.

In West Virginia, House Speaker Armstead requested the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) to disclose the amount of state funding being provided to Planned Parenthood in West Virginia. DHHR has suggested that at least $66,000 went to the Vienna Planned Parenthood clinic.

Morrisey's office said that it doesn't appear that Planned Parenthood performs abortions in West Virginia.

“If Planned Parenthood has violated federal law, it is our responsibility as elected representatives of the people of West Virginia to ensure that citizens tax dollars do not continue to fund such an organization,” Morrisey said in the letter to the legislative leaders. “That is why my office strongly supports the Legislature’s efforts to identify, disclose, and reallocate Planned Parenthood’s state funding.”

Investigations in other states have led to the discovery of other major violations of state law, including things like “performing second-trimester abortions without a license and not correctly recording the disposal of fetal remains.”

In some cases, these investigations have led to the termination of state funding to the clinics.

“There are many other trusted options that provide women’s health services across our state besides Planned Parenthood,” Morrisey said.

Currently, there are over 300 federally certified facilities in West Virginia, aside from Planned Parenthood, that responsibly provide essential healthcare services for women.

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