WINFIELD - A man is suing a debt collection company for allegedly failing to cease phone calls after he retained an attorney.
Louie Lovejoy filed a lawsuit Dec. 13 in the Putnam County Circuit Court against Enhanced Recovery Company LLC, citing violations of the state consumer credit and protection act, negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress and invasion of privacy.
The complaint states the defendant is in the business of debt collection and was attempting to collect a debt from Lovejoy. According to the complaint, the defendant began engaging in collection attempts through phone calls and written communication to Lovejoy both before and after Lovejoy had retained counsel.
Lovejoy says the phone calls were made by an automated recording system and because he was not able to talk to a real person, he attempted but was unable to inform the defendant he had retained an attorney.
Lovejoy is seeking a judgement for an undisclosed amount of damages. He is being represented in the case by attorney Benjamin Sheridan of Klein and Sheridan LC.
Putnam County Circuit Court Civil Action No. 13-C-411
Debt collector sued over automated phone calls