
Our View News on West Virginia Record


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Our View News

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Our View

There you go again, governor

By Chris Dickerson |
Watching Gov. Jim Justice’s weekly press briefing Thursday, I was reminded of a famous quote Ronald Reagan used during his presidential debates against Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale. “There you go again.”

Our View

Big Jim’s hate/hate relationship with media continues

By Chris Dickerson |
The governor and his staff are banning more reporters from his weekly press conferences.

Our View

Mum's the word (again) on the citizen-only voting amendment

By Chris Dickerson |
“The people of West Virginia will not have any legitimate faith in the Legislature until they can say this amendment passed. I mean, it’s already passed both houses unanimously. Right now, I don’t know how a voter can trust the Legislature.”

Our View

Why won't anyone talk about the non-citizens voting amendment?

By Chris Dickerson |
You’d think someone in charge would publicly stand up and say they want this issue to be taken up in the coming weeks when the governor calls a special session to deal with issues related to the state budget. Right? Well, guess again.

Our View

Speaking of transparency and honesty

By Chris Dickerson |
Our leaders continually tell us they’re looking out for us and have our best interests at heart. But anyone who looks around at the real state of the State of West Virginia knows that simply isn’t true.

Our View

State Supreme Court is doing transparency the wrong way

By Chris Dickerson |
For a government body that touts itself as being open and transparent, the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals sure has a funny way of showing it.

Our View

Write this down: Here's who will be Kanawha's new circuit court judge

By The West Virginia Record |
The state Judicial Vacancy Advisory Commission had 12 people apply for the open circuit court seat left by the retirement of longtime Kanawha Circuit Judge Duke Bloom.

Our View

You serious, Clark? This is better than the Jelly of the Month Club

By The West Virginia Record |
Kudos to the state Legislature for its tort reform work over the last several years. It was meant to make West Virginia courts more in line with others across the nation, and it seems to be working.

Our View

Guns are a-blazin' in this legal shootout!

By The West Virginia Record |
If you’re looking for a good old-fashioned shootout (hopefully one that doesn’t include more guns), stay tuned here. We’ll keep covering this modern-day gunfight at the W.V. Corral as best we can.

Our View

We have full access to West Virginia courts ... in 7.5 of our 55 counties

By The West Virginia Record |
We here at The West Virginia Record have one complaint that has been a major problem for us since we started our newspaper and website back in 2005. It’s online access to the court system.

Our View

All hail the newest Knight of the Golden Horseshoe!

By The West Virginia Record |
Remember a few years ago when Gov. Jim Justice promised the state a rocketship ride? We didn’t know he meant we'd be taken for a ride as we suffer from spiraling inflation and gas prices that continue to skyrocket. Prosperity, indeed.

Our View

West Virginia judges living in the Wild, Wild West

By The West Virginia Record |
It’s almost as if they think having the title of judge means they can do whatever they want, so they take the law into their own hands. They seem to think the rules don’t apply to them.

Our View

Judge Carter Williams should resign in disgrace

By The West Virginia Record |
What is it with this guy? He’s been a lawyer for 30 years, a judge for five, and he’s continually being investigated for alleged lawbreaking.

Our View

Raskin was ‘a risk we can’t afford’

By The West Virginia Record |
It might have been Senator Joe Manchin's announcement that pushed Sarah Bloom Raskin into removing herself from consideration for a key Federal Reserve position.

Our View

If you can’t take the heat, get out of the governor’s office

By The West Virginia Record |
For being such a big man (in every way, shape, form and fashion), West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice sure is small.

Our View

Don't go away mad, just go away

By The West Virginia Record |
The question of jurors having access to social media during the course of a trial might be something to address. Thanks for suggesting that, Allen Loughry. Now, please, just go away.

Our View

Introducing our new intermediate appellate court

By The West Virginia Record |
West Virginia has made an important step in the right direction, and everyone who helped make this possible should be applauded.

Our View

You can’t Build Back Better with hidden taxes!

By The West Virginia Record |
U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) has a better understanding of inflation than the average layman and is speaking out about the dangerous inflationary potential of the Build Back Better Act.