CHARLESTON -- A man is suing an ambulance company and two ambulance employees after they allegedly dropped his father in transport, causing injuries.
Robert James Peterson II filed a lawsuit Feb. 11 in Kanawha Circuit Court against Kanawha County Emergency Ambulance, Levi Smith and Lorrie Lewis, citing negligence.
The lawsuit states the ambulance picked up Peterson’s father, Robert James Peterson, at SunBridge Rehabilitation on Feb. 11, 2012, to transport him to the dialysis unit. Peterson was dropped once the ambulance arrived at the unit, resulting in a fracture of the right leg.
Peterson seeks judgment in an amount to adequately compensate Peterson for injuries his father sustained.
He is being represented by attorney Michael T. Clifford. The case has been assigned to Circuit Judge Charles E. King.
Kanawha Circuit Court Case No. 14-C-300
Man files suit after ambulance worker drops father