HUNTINGTON -- A Cabell County woman is suing after falling into a meter box.
Vicky Barker Deem filed a lawsuit May 16 in Cabell Circuit Court against West Virginia-American Water Company, citing negligence.
Deem claims she sustained injuries when she stepped out of her car that was parked on the street in front on 42 Pogue St. in Huntington on July 14, 2012. The suit alleges Deem put her foot on a water meter cover as she was exiting the car and the cover flipped up, causing her to fall in the meter box and injuring her leg.
According to the brief, the cover for the meter box was the wrong size and it wasn't securely fastened together.
Deem is seeking damages, medical bills, lost wages and any other relief the court may award.
She is being represented in the case by Charleston attorney John H. Skaggs and Benjamin Adams of The Calwell Practice LC. The case has been assigned to Circuit Judge Christopher D. Chiles.
Cabell Circuit Court case number 14-c-384
Woman blames WV-American Water for injuries