MORGANTOWN – Allan N. Karlin and Putnam County native Jane E. Peak once again have been selected as Best Lawyers in America in the area of Employment law.
The Best Lawyers in America selects attorneys through rigorous peer review surveys, including confidential evaluation by other attorneys practicing in the same area of law.
Karlin and Peak have been included in Best Lawyers since 1993 and 2006 respectively.
They practice at the law firm of Allan N. Karlin & Associates in Morgantown.
The firm litigates throughout West Virginia in both state and federal courts representing injured persons in cases involving workplace injuries, coal mine disasters and unsafe products. They have also brought cases against private and public employers for wrongful discharge; illegal discrimination including age, race, gender and national origin; and sexual harassment. Additionally, Karlin and Peak have brought cases involving professional malpractice, including medical negligence.
PERSONNEL FILE: Karlin, Peak named in Best Lawyers