
Man names 52 defendants in asbestos case


Monday, March 31, 2025

Man names 52 defendants in asbestos case


MOUNDSVILLE – A man is suing 52 companies he claims are responsible for his asbestos-related lung disease.

Robert Jean Wright was diagnosed with asbestos-related lung disease on March 7, 2013, according to a complaint filed in Marshall Circuit Court.

Wright claims he was exposed to asbestos dust at various jobsites during his career.

The defendants' negligence in allowing Wright to be exposed to asbestos dust caused him to develop lung disease, according to the suit.

Wright claims the defendants failed to warn him of the dangers of the products and failed to take reasonable precautions to warn him of the dangers.

The defendants also failed to inform Wright of what would be safe and sufficient apparel for a person who was exposed to the products and failed to test asbestos-containing products in order to ascertain the dangers involved, according to the suit.

Wright claims the defendants failed to inform him of what would be safe and proper methods of handling or using the products and failed to remove asbestos-containing products from the market when they knew or should have known of the hazards of exposure.

Wright is seeking compensatory and punitive damages. He is being represented by Leslie Ann James of Hartley & O'Brien PLLC.

Some of the 52 defendants named in the suit include American Gage & Machine Company; Ametek Inc.; Atlas Industries Inc.; Bayer Cropscience; Beazer East Inc.; Brand Insulations Inc.; Catalytic Construction Company; CBS Corporation; Certainteed Corporation; and Crane Company Inc.

Marshall Circuit Court case number: 15-C-24


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