
This just in: Ohio County


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

This just in: Ohio County

Feb. 3
Worldwide Asset Management LLC vs. Lynn C. Clemont
PA-James B. Atkins; J-Wilson
* Clemont owes Worldwide Asset Management $15,548.22 plus $4,267.11 in interest on an unpaid account totaling a sum of $19,815.33. Worldwide Asset Management seeks compensation for the sum.
Case number: 06-C-38

Feb. 7
Harold W. Boyce, et. al vs. CSX Transportation, Inc.
PA-Robert W. Gillikin, II; J-Gaughan
* Boyce and the other plaintiffs are employees of CSX Transportation. They claim that the company's negligence for safety has attributed to their occupationally caused injuries. The injuries include carpel tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, epicondylitis, rotator cuff tears, shoulder impingement syndrome, and other physical maladies; these injuries have contributed to severe pain, suffering, and impairment of body movement. They are suing CSX for $500,000.00.
Case number: 06-C-40

Feb. 8
Werner Enterprises vs. U.S. Xpress, Inc.
PA-Sharon Z. Hall; J-Mazzone
* A Werner Enterprises employee was legally parked at a truck stop when another truck driver working for U.S. Xpress struck his truck into the Werner employee's. The accident came after repeated warnings from the Werner employee and several other witnesses. Werner Enterprises is suing for damages in the amount of $7,317.84.
Case number: 06-C-41

Feb. 9
Erin L. Vogrin, et. al vs. Edward L. Crockard, Jr.
PA-Joseph E. Barki, III; J-Gaughan
* The two parties were involved in a motor vehicle collision when Crockard struck Vogrin's vehicle from the rear. Vogrin is suing for compensation of injuries suffered due to the accident; this includes injuries to the head, neck, shoulders, hands, and arms. Vogrin is also suing for compensation of damages to the vehicle and reimbursement of legal costs.
Case number: 06-C-42

Feb. 10
Anthony C. Sunseri, et. al vs. Martha Kuca, et. al
PA-Anthony C. Sunseri; J-Gaughan
* Sunseri bought a house from Kuca and discovered that the shower in the upstairs master bedroom was non-operational. It also allowed water to leak through the floor and into the ceiling of the first floor. Sunseri is suing for repairs, attorney fees, and damages.
Case number: 06-C-44

Feb. 13
Jonathan P. Lewis, et. al vs. Ohio Valley Builders
PA-Jacob A. Manning; J-Mazzone
* Lewis is suing Ohio Valley Builders for cracks in the foundation of the home which they constructed. The cracks were unsuccessfully repaired once but have persisted causing floors to sink, bricks to crack, and the wracking of windows. Due to the instability of the home's foundation, it will eventually be rendered uninhabitable. Lewis seeks compensation for repairs or for the loss of the home as well as for attorney fees.
Case number: 06-C-45

Feb. 14
Branch Banking and Trust Company vs. Chippewa Hazardous Waste Remediation and Energy, Inc.
PA-John Preston Bailey; J-Wilson
* Chippewa has failed to pay a balance of $9,818.51 for a credit card agreement. Branch Banking and Trust seeks compensation for that amount as well as other debt and is suing for a total of $24,532.62 plus interest.
Case number: 06-C-46

Feb. 15
Angie Hanasky vs. Victor Perrone, M.D.
PA-Herman D. Lantz; J-Gaughan
* Hanasky was injured at her place of employment, the office of Dr. Victor Perrone, while attempting to rearrange charts above her head. She filed for Worker's Compensation and while waiting for approval, her employee fired her without giving her any prior knowledge. She seeks compensation for economic losses, humiliation and embarrassment, emotional and mental distress, and loss of personal dignity.
Case number: 06-C-47


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