
This just in: Kanawha County


Sunday, March 30, 2025

This just in: Kanawha County

July 17
Michael L. Maynard v. West Virginia Department of Transportation, Department of Highways
PA-Michael L. Myers; J-Walker
* Maynard says he was the passenger in a car that was following behind a WVDOT truck when a rock from the truck's bed fell off and caused the car in which he was riding to veer off the road.
Case number: 06-C-1393

Sue Loudermilk v. K-Mart Corp.
PA-Ellen Golden; J-Zakaib
* Loudermilk says she tripped over some broken concrete as she tried to enter a K-Mart in Charleston.
Case number: 06-C-1396

July 18
David Hawkins and Kim Hawkins, et al. v. West Virginia Department of Public Safety, et al.
PA-G. Thomas Smith; J-Walker
* Hawkins is a former state police sergeant who says he was injured by a defective latch on a breath alcohol testing mobile, causing him to retire early.
Case number: 06-C-1404

July 20
Jane Ann Cartwright, personal representative of the Estate of Darlena Sue Cartwright, deceased v. Scott Derek McCormick
PA-Thomas H. Peyton; J-Walker
* McCormick was recently found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Darlena Cartwright and now faces a civil action filed by her mother.
Case number: 06-C-1417

Lori Jean Holbert v. Thomas Andrew Wirts Enterprises, Inc., et al.
PA-Matthew S. Criswell; J-Walker
* Holbert says she was fired by Wirts for being pregnant, not for hiding files in her desk as he claimed.
Case number: 06-C-1418

Raines Imports, Inc., d/b/a Lester Raines Honda v. American Honda Motor Company, Inc.
PA-David Allen Barnette; J-King
* Raines says he received notice that American Honda planned to open another Honda dealership near his in South Charleston and says his franchise would not be able to survive if that happened.
Case number: 06-C-1422

July 21
Rosetta Lynn Dalton v. Crump Family Restaurants, Inc., et al.
PA-Frank Venezia; J-King
* Dalton says she was sexually harassed and injured by her boss at the Shoney's Restaurant in Summersville.
Case number: 06-C-1428


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