July 28
Jasin Coon vs. Thomas Rice d/b/a Thomas Roofing
PA - Robert Schiavoni; J - Christopher Wilkes
* The plaintiff claims he was employed by the defendant from August 2001 through December 2001, and he was not paid wages within 72 hours of his termination. He claims the defendant has refused to pay all of Coon's earned wages in violation of the West Virginia Wage Payment and Collection Act, and he is seeking an undetermined amount of relief.
Case number: 06-C-539
Aug. 2
City Hospital Inc. vs. Susanna Hutchison
PA - Jeffery Gould; J - Christopher Wilkes
* The hospital claims Hutchison owes $23,179.11 plus interest for a total of at least $30,981.87, for medical services provided in 2001, 2002 and 2004.
Case number: 06-C-561
This Just In: Berkeley County