
This Just In: Putnam County


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

This Just In: Putnam County

Jan. 25
Victoria McNeil vs. Markita Harmon and Better Foods Inc. dba Gino's and Does 1-5
PA-Mark F. Underwood (Htgn); J-Eagloski
* McNeil says Harmon was delivering pizzas for Gino's on Aug. 1, 2006, when Harmon hit her vehicle and caused injuries and damages.
She seeks compensatory damages for past and future medical expenses; physical pain, mental pain, anguish and suffering, loss of service, protection, care and assistance; and quality of life and punitive damages for reckless, outrageous, willful, wanton and malicious manner as well as pre- and post-judgment interest and other relief.
Case number: 07-C-26

March 12
Richard Byrnside vs. James M. Lane Jr.
PA-Robert H. Sweeney Jr. and Nathanial A. Kuratomi; J-Eagloski
* Byrnside and Lane lived with each other for 22 years, sharing bank accounts and pooling assets. Last year, they stopped living together. On Jan. 25, 2007, Lane listed a Putnam County home for sale and told Byrnside that he was not entitled to money from the sale of the home. He wants the court to put funds in escrow, place a constructive trust on proceeds, determine his right to share in profit of home and determine that Lane will receive unjust enrichment if he sells home without sharing profits. He also seeks attorney fees and court costs.
Case number: 07-C-72

March 20
Theresa L. Owens vs. Tod A. Reedy aka Todd A. Reedy
PA-Timothy L. Sweney of St. Marys; J-Spaulding
* A former business partner with the defendant, Owens says she constructed and funded construction of substantial capital improvements upon defendant's real estate. She claims Reedy is liable for her share of value of the partnership. She seeks liquidation.
Case number: 07-C-78

March 26
U.S. Xpress Enterprises Inc. and Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company vs. John Doe, as administrator of the estate of Terry Gene Forbes
PA-Derek W. Marsteller and William Harter; J-XXXXXXXXX
* The plaintiffs seek determination that the estate of Terry Gene Forbes is not entitled to the uninsured motorist benefits of $50,000 under the applicable policy issued by Liberty to USX and that the estate's claim was properly denied.
Case number: 07-C-83


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