
Legal Aid of West Virginia elects new board officers


Monday, March 31, 2025

Legal Aid of West Virginia elects new board officers

CHARLESTON -- The Board of Directors of Legal Aid of West Virginia, a statewide legal services and advocacy organization, recently held elections for new officers and four board members whose terms had expired.

All of the officers were re-elected and included Marjorie McDiarmid, a professor at West Virgina University's College of Law as president, Princeton attorney Omar Aboulhosn as vice-president, Charleston-area Headstart appointee Diane Jett as secretary and Charleston attorney Andy Nason as treasurer.

Four board members also were re-elected for three-year terms by members of the West Virginia State Bar from their geographic regions. Private practice attorney Robert Gaudio from Wheeling was elected from the Northern Panhandle region; Bader Giggenbach, an attorney with the law firm of Brewer and Giggenbach, was re-elected from the Morgantown region; Bob Richardson, private practice attorney in Lewisburg, was re-elected from the Greenbrier Valley region; and David Lockwood, with Lockwood and Lockwood, was
re-elected from the Huntington region.

"Each of our re-elected officers and board members have supported
Legal Aid of West Virginia through strong board, committee, local office and/or client involvement," said Adrienne Worthy, Executive Director of Legal Aid. "We are very appreciative of their individual and collective efforts and look forward to their continued service."

The newly re-elected officers and board members join other current board members Nathan Bowles (Charleston), Diane Eagle (Masontown), Tina Faber (Kenna), Sheila Hicks (Huntington). Loren Howley (Grantsville), Connie Lynch (Webster Springs), James W. Martin, Jr. (Clarksburg), Teresa McCune (Williamson), Janice Mitchem (Welch), Wilbert A. Payne (Beckley), Helen Powell (Glen Jean), Brandon "Brandy" Sims (Charles Town), and Thomas R. Tinder (Charleston).

Legal Aid has 13 offices across West Virginia. The organization helps low-income and vulnerable West Virginians with legal problems and advocates for long-term care residents and individuals with behavioral health problems. For more information or to find out how you can volunteer or make a donation, call (304) 343-3013 ext. 46.


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