
This Just In: Ohio County


Saturday, February 22, 2025

This Just In: Ohio County

July 24
Sandra K. Russell vs. Kroger Limited Partnership I
PA-Donald J. Tennant, Jr.; J-Wilson
* Russell says she slipped and fell on a rug while shopping at a Kroger grocery store. She alleges negligence and carelessness and claims pain and suffering, among other charges. She seeks compensatory damages.
Case number: 07-C-313

Cincinnati Insurance Company, subrogee of Schmidt Bros., Inc. vs. Sharon West
PA-Matthew G. Breneman; J-Gaughen
* Cincinnati Insurance and Schmidt Bros. claim that while West was employed as a cashier at Schmidt Bros., she rang up beer, cigarettes, and other groceries for herself without paying. Further, she falsified returns and pocketed the refunded money. The store incurred losses of $55,548.06 and alleges fraud and breach of contract. They seek $10,000.00 plus interest in compensatory damages.
Case number: 07-C-315

July 27
Lucky Buddha Trading Co., LLC vs. Jeff Parsons and Patricia Jane Parsons
PA-Scott C. Brown; J-Gaughen
* Lucky Buddha Trading Co. is seeking the possession and use of a certain parcel of property currently owned by Parsons after a foreclosure.
Case number: 07-C-319


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