
This Just In: Ohio County


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

This Just In: Ohio County

Aug. 1
Jeanette E. Desmond and Paul Dismond vs. Nancy Reass
PA-Robert P. Fitzsimmons; J-Gaughen
* Desmond and Reass were involved in an auto accident which Desmond claims was a direct result of negligence on the count of Reass. Desmond further alleges that she lost wages totaling $527.05. She seeks that amount plus damages.
Case number: 07-C-325

Vitarich Laboratories Inc. vs. Cornerstone Marketing Inc.
PA-Dennis M. Shreve; J-Wilson
* Vitarich says Cornerstone owes $29,205.41 on an account. It seeks that amount plus interest and legal fees.
Case number: 07-C-326

Aug. 3
Kelly Jo Lashomb-Gatto and Franco Gatto vs. Gokul Inc. of West Viginia dba Comfort-Inn Wheeling
PA-David P. Robinson; J-Mazzone
* The Gattos allege that Comfort-Inn Wheeling failed to exercise reasonable care by negligently leaving a ladder submerged in a public pool that injured Gatto when her foot became wedged in it. They seek damages for medical expenses.
Case number: 07-C-330

William C. Haught and Karen D. Haught vs. Kelly L. Roskovich
PA-pro se; J-Wilson
* The Haughts and Roskovich were involved in an auto accident which Haught claims was a direct result of negligence on the count of Roskovich. The Haughts suffered property damages and medical expenses. They seek damages.
Case number: 07-C-332

Aug. 8
The City of Wheeling vs. Crone's Outfitters Corporation
PA-Rosemary Humway-Warmuth, Wheeling City Solicitor; J-Gaughen
* The City of Wheeling seeks $121,841.92 on an unpaid loan plus all interest owed and claims that specified "periods of forgiveness do no act as a waiver of remedies on the term and condition of payment."
Case number: 07-C-335

Aug. 9
Mountaineer Gas Company vs. The James White Construction Company
PA-Harry F. Bell Jr.; J-Mazzone
* Mountaineer Gas Company claims that The James White Construction Company is responsible and "grossly negligent" in a ruptured gas line that caused extensive property damages. It seeks compensatory damages in the amount of $8,670.59 plus 10 percent interest as well as punitive damages.
Case number: 07-C-338

Daniel E. Harriman vs. Theresa A. McClure
PA-Mark A. Kepple; J-Wilson
* Harriman and McClure were involved in an auto accident which Harriman claims was a direct result of negligence and carelessness on the count of McClure. Harriman claims loss of consortium and seeks damages.
Case number: 07-C-339

Aug. 10
Mary Ann Nolte vs. Wheeling Hospital Inc.
PA-David L. Delk, Jr.; J-Wilson
* While employed by Wheeling Hospital, Nolte went on a medical leave of absence after undergoing knee replacement surgery. She subsequently was terminated from her job for exceeding her allotment of family medical leave time. She alleges a violation of the West Virginia Human Rights Act and seeks compensatory and punitive damages.
Case number: 0C-341

Aug. 13
Chase Bank USA N.A. vs. Kristine Bell
PA-Andrew S. Lerner; J-Gaughen
* Chase Bank says Bell owes $11,194.61 on an account. Chase seeks that amount plus interest and legal fees.
Case number: 07-C-343a


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