
This Just In: Ohio County


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

This Just In: Ohio County

Nov. 5
David L. Delk vs. Michael Morgan and Property & Casualty Insurance Company
PA- David Delk; J- Wilson
* Morgan struck Delk's vehicle on Aug. 4, 2007. Hartford's representative stated they were solely at fault. Repairs totaled $8, 092.01. Hartford has refused to reimburse $199.36 of the repair bill. Compensatory damages, attorney fees, costs and expenses along with pre- and post-judgment interest are sought.
Case number: 07-C-486

Oct. 29
State of West Virginia ex. rel. Denton S. Haney vs. Thomas McBride, Warden Mt. Olive Correctional Complex
PA- pro se; J- Mazzone
* Haney was convicted on Nov. 10, 2005, and sentenced to 22–50 years on two counts of sexual abuse (third defense) and two counts of sexual assault (first degree). Haney seeks the Counsel to appeal this Courts adverse decision denying his post –habeas corpus petition dated July 26, 2007. He hired Rebrook III, of Charleston, to perfect judgment. It appears his attorney's responsibility stopped upon this Court's latest decision. He claims funding for justice has been depleted and his is unable to hire an attorney to perfect appeal.
Case number: 07-C-497

Nov. 5
John Antal vs. Allison R. Gorby and Agnes Gorby
PA: David Robinson; J- Gaughan
* It is said that while consuming non-intoxicating beer and/or wine Gorby became intoxicated on November 11, 2005. Gorby's blood alcohol content registered .160 when as the direct and proximate result of the negligence of Agnes, Antel's 2005 Ford Escape was struck causing a rear end collision resulting in permanent and serious injuries due to failure to yield right of way, maintain proper lookout and speed. Punitive and exemplary damages are sought. Antal claims divers and sundry expenses to date for medical attention in excess of $35,000.
Case number: 07-C-498

Nov. 6
T.J.G. Properties LLC, vs. Ronna Beauty Co. LLC and Ronald Schack
PA- John Gompers; J-Gaughan
* On Nov. 7, 2006, T.J.G. entered in a lease agreement with Ronna Beauty to lease the first floor premises on 2200 National Road. The commencement date for an initial 3 years begin Dec. 1, 2006and $27,600 was paid for 24 mos. Such agreement called for $800 monthly installment payments with a $20.00 late fee. T.J.G has been in default since May 2007. Judgment for $5,400 for rent past due through Nov. 2007, along with $120 late fees, costs and expenses are sought to pursue this action.
Case number: CA-07-499

Cheryl Tennant and Michael Tennant vs. Wheeling Island Gaming Inc. d/b/a/ Wheeling Island Racetrack & Gaming Center, a Delaware Corporation
* During Tennant's employment, specific and unsafe working conditions existed at the Islander Buffet waitress station. A defective floor passageway caused her to violently slip and fall and she suffered injuries to her lumber region. She has incurred divers and sundry medical expenses that have yet to be determined. Compensation, post judgment interest and costs to prosecute this action are sought.
Case number: CA-07-500

Nov. 7
Lori J. Cunningham McGlumphy, Executrix of the Estate of George William Couch vs. Maria Couch and Shawn W. Couch
PA- William Ihlenfeld; J- Recht
* Lori and Shawn Couch are the only surviving children of George William Couch. Maria Couch is a resident of Port S. Lucie, Fla., and maintains she is the adopted daughter of George Bruce Couch, a son who died in Ohio County on Jan. 16, 2007. Two living children survive him. George W. Couch died with a last will dated July 31, 1987 and it was probated without objection on Mar. 7, 2007. There exists justiciable controversy between parties as to how the assets should be distributed. The Executrix seeks a declaration and states that the intent of the will was to give all his estate to his children. She is requesting whether or not Maria is entitled to receive 1/3 of the estate per stirpes, along with other proper relief.
Case number: CA-07-501

Jared Kyle Soboth vs. Krista A. Kurucz
PA- Christopher Heller; J- Wilson
* While traveling on US 40 in Triadelphia, Soboth's vehicle was struck on May 17, 2007. The negligence of Kurucz' failure to yield right of way, maintain proper lookout and control caused injuries to be suffered to his head, neck, and back. Medical expenses and physical pain have incurred with other inconveniences. It is believed these medical expenses and lost wages are permanent and diminish his ability to enjoy life and earn a living. Compensatory and general damages, with pre- post judgment interest, fees and costs expended in this action are sought.
Case number: CA-07-502

Nov. 8
Carlene Sue Falck vs. Erie Insurance Group
PA- Christopher Heller; J- Wilson
* Bruce A. Cevelli, an underinsured motorist under the influence, while traveling on Exit 11 on Interstate 70, struck Falck. His failure to maintain proper lookout and clearance has contributed to Falck's diminished ability to function. She believes her suffering will continue and incur future lost wages. She has complied with policy requirements and is entitled to receive $100,000 in underinsured motorist coverage bodily injury benefits. This amount is sought along with pre- post judgment interest, fees and costs.
Case number: CA-07-503

David L. Sells vs. Jean Hails and John Doe
PA- Gerald Jacovetty, Jr.; J- Mazzone
* Sells, a resident of Belmont County, Ohio believes Hail is a resident of Ohio County. He says that while operating his Chevy S-10 truck at the vicinity of the Convenient Store on 29th Street, Hails was negligent in allowing John Doe to operate her vehicle. As direct and proximate result of the collision, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life and wages has occurred. Compensatory judgment is sought, jointly and severally, along with pre- post judgment interest, attorney fees and costs.
Case number: CA-07-504

Nov. 14
The Educational Resources Institute vs. Anthony Lekanidis
PA- Ward Stone; J- Wilson
* Lekanidis owes $26,232.12 on two (2) Promissory Notes, plus interest from the date of filing, along with post judgment interest, attorney fees and costs.


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