
This Just In: Kanawha County


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

This Just In: Kanawha County

Nov. 14
Gerald George and Kelly George v. Charleston Area Medical Center, Inc., A West Virginia Corporation
PA – Richard D. Lindsay; J – Zakaib
* Gerald George filed a medical malpractice suit against Charleston Area Medical Center, after he developed a staph infection after a procedure. George underwent a coronary artery bypass and developed a MRSA infection. The suit says the infection was likely due to the indwelling line. George, with his wife Kelly George, seeks compensatory damages.
Case number: 07-C-2460

William E. Gibson, executor of the estate of Robert E. Gibson, M.D. v. Leon Shiu-Lung Kwei, M.D., Piayon Emmanual Kobbah
PA – Richard D. Lindsay; J – King
* William Gibson filed a suit against the doctors who examined his father before he died. Robert Gibson went to Charleston Area Medical Center with onsets of severe abdominal pain and other symptoms. Leon Shiu-Lung Kwei and Piayon Emmanual Kobbah treated him in the emergency room, and ordered a CT scan, then send Gibson home before the scan was read. The next day, the scan showed a leaking aneurysm. However, Gibson had died that morning, from a ruptured thoracic aortic aneurism. William Gibson claims the doctors who treated his father were negligent. He seems compensatory and punitive damages.
Case number: 07-C-2461

La Rhonda Garrett v. Charleston Area Medical Center, Inc., a West Virginia Corporation, Stephen Bush, David Patton, West Virginia University Board of Governors
PA – Richard D. Lindsay; J – Kaufman
* La Rhonda Garrett filed a suit against Charleston Area Medical Center and the physicians who treated her during her labor and delivery. Garrett claims she began experiencing an elevation in blood pressure during her labor, then a worsening of her vision. She now has permanent vision loss due to revealed marked retinal ischemic changes and intraretinal hemorrhages due to hypertension. She seeks compensatory damages.
Case number: 07-C-2462

Nov. 16
Gerrie Goff v. The City of Charleston, W.Va., a Municipal Corporation, et al
PA – Travis A. Griffith; J – Berger
* Gerrie Goff filed a suit against the City of Charleston after she fell on ice at the Charleston Civic Center. According to the suit, city workers had piled snow over the drains on the second tier of the civic center. Some of the snow melted and turned to ice, since the water could not properly drain. Goff fell on the ice and fractured her greater tuberosity, the right proximal humerus and a broken rib.
Case number: 07-C-2479

Nov. 20
Jack L. Poland v. West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways
PA – Larry O. Ford; J – Walker
* Jack Poland filed a suit against the Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, after he was injured on a work crew. Poland was an inmate at the Ohio County Correctional Center. Poland was injured when he was clearing brush. He seeks compensatory damages.

Nov. 21
James E. Ryan and Vada Ryan v. Charleston Area Medical Center
PA – Roger D. Williams; J – Walker
* James Ryan filed a suit against Charleston Area Medical Center after he developed pressure ulcers while a patient at the hospital. Ryan claims his ulcers were due to the negligent care, custody, supervision and control of the hospital. Ryan and his wife Vada, seek compensatory and punitive damages.
Case number: 07-C-2515

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