
THIS JUST IN: Marshall County


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

THIS JUST IN: Marshall County

April 16
Jason Weese vs. Barry Beresford c/o TKO Auto Express
PA- pro se; J- Karl
* Weese claims he purchased a vehicle from the defendant and soon after incurred serious problems with the vehicle's air conditioner, battery and electrical equipment. He was told by TKO that it was not liable for the problems; further, he claims that when TKO made repairs, the vehicle was not fixed adequately and that the vehicle eventually stopped running altogether. He seeks compensatory damages.
Case number: 08-C-84

Judith Reilley-Feierstein vs. Paula Reilley, Trustee of Reilley Family Trust
PA- W. Eric Gadd; J- Madden
* Reilley-Feierstein seeks that the title for a parcel of property be granted to her and that a declaration be made stating that the aforesaid trust was not set up lawfully. In addition, she claims that West Virginia Code does not permit estates to hold titles to real estate.
Case number: 08-C-85

Robert Strobel d/b/a Strobel Construction vs. MSAA Partners, LLC
PA- Eric M. Gordon; J- Karl
* MSAA owes Strobel Construction sums of $39,241.80, $50,420.62 and $65,655 for construction projects performed at various restaurant sites in the Northern Panhandle of West Virginia. Strobel Construction alleges a breach of contract and seeks punitive and compensatory damages.
Case number: 08-C-86

April 17
April M. Delbrugge and James P. Delbrugge, Sr. vs. Matthew B. Fisher and The Cincinnati Insurance Company
PA- Robert P. Fitzsimmons; J- Madden
* The two parties were involved in an auto accident which, according to the Delbrugges, occurred as a direct result of carelessness, negligence, and recklessness on the count of Fisher. The Delbrugges seek compensation for property damages, medical expenses incurred in the amount of $50,167.86, and lost wages in the amount of $5,261.52. They also claim that the insurance company made late and incomplete payments violating the West Virginia Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Act. They seek damages from both defendants.
Case number: 08-C-87

April 22

Marvin L. Goodnight vs. Xtreme Cycles Outlet, LLC, GE Consumer Finance, Inc. d/b/a GE Money Bank & Michael M. Goodnight
PA- William J. Ihlenfeld, II; J- Karl
*Goodnight claims that the defendant was sold multiple all-terrain vehicles and that a sum exceeding $15,000 is still owed for their purchase. He alleges fraud, fraudulent concealment, negligent representation, cancellation of contract, and breach of duty and good faith, among other allegations. Goodnight seeks compensatory and punitive damages.
Case number: 08-C-94

April 24
Lisa McGill, Custodian of Logan McGill vs. Brian McGill
PA- Lisa M. Hawrot; J- Madden
* Ms. McGill claims that the defendant on multiple occasions withdrew funds from Logan McGill's education savings account for his personal use. She seeks that the defendant be removed as a custodian of the account, that he account for and repay all funds removed, and that he be barred access to the account. Furthermore, she seeks damages and compensation for court costs and attorneys' fees.
Case number: 08-C-95

May 1
Brian Timmons, Administrator of the Estate of Lewis C. Timmons vs. American Electric Power Company, Inc., & AEP Ohio, et al.
PA- James G. Bordas & Scott A. Windom; J- Madden
* Timmons claims that a hydrogen storage unit owned by the defendants exploded causing the wrongful death of Lewis C. Timmons, who was employed by AEP. He claims that the defendants are liable for failing to maintain safe working conditions and that they failed to perform a workplace hazard assessment as required by law. Timmons seeks compensatory and punitive damages.
Case number: 08-C-102


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