
THIS JUST IN: Marshall County


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

THIS JUST IN: Marshall County

June 10
Mound City Inc. vs. Ohio Valley Amusement Company Inc.
PA- Kevin L. Neiswonger; J- Karl
* Ohio Valley Amusement Company owes Mound City $547,000 on an unpaid loan agreement. Mound City seeks that amount plus pre- and post-judgment interest.
Case number: 08-C-145

Mound City Inc. vs. Ohio Valley Amusement Company Inc.
PA- Kevin L. Neiswonger; J- Karl
* Ohio Valley Amusement Company owes Mound City $250,000 on an unpaid malpractice claim. Mound City seeks that amount plus pre- and post-judgment interest.
Case number: 08-C-146

June 19
Atlantic Credit and Finance Inc. vs. Angus Mac Fadyen
PA- Paul S. Atkins; J- Karl
* Fadyen owes Atlantic Credit and Finance $12,868.08 on a past due account. Atlantic Credit and Finance seeks that amount plus interest and other costs.
Case number: 08-C-150

Duvera Financial vs. Charles Furbee and Kathleen Naegele
PA- Steven M. Recht; J- Madden
* The defendants owe Duvera Financial $11,914.98 on a past due account. Duvera Financial seeks that amount plus 8.25 percent interest and other costs.
Case number: 08-C-151

June 25
Ohio Valley Amusement Company Inc. vs. Mound City Inc. and Frances Tucker
PA- Rodney T. Berry; J- Karl
* The defendants owe Ohio Valley Amusement Company $760,034.30 plus interest and other costs from a contractual agreement. Ohio Valley Amusement Company claims that sums loaned to the defendants constitute a contructive trust and lien against their real estate.
Case number: 08-C-156


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