
THIS JUST IN: Berkeley County


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

THIS JUST IN: Berkeley County

June 24
Geneva E. Price vs. Paul E. Tassone Jr., Mark's Tank Cleaning Inc., t/a MTC Truck Center and Asphalt Unlimited
PA - Ronald Harman; J - David Sanders
* The plaintiff claims a vehicle accident on July 5, 2006, was the result of Tassone's negligence, when he failed to yield the right of way and caused a collision. The defendant was driving a vehicle owned by Mark's Tank Cleaning. Price claims she suffered permanent injuries and has incurred more than $57,000 in medical expenses as well as more than $8,000 in lost wages. She is seeking an amount of relief to be determined at trial.
Case number: 08-C-861

June 26
Ronald G. Hutzler and Rhonda C. Hutzler vs. Jadie B. McDougald Jr., Frances D. McDougald, Country Living Real Estate and agent Jim Turnock
PA - Melisha Souders; J - Gray Silver
* The plaintiffs claim they purchased property and closed the sale on Nov. 5, 2005, with intentions of building a home, but the defendants failed to tell them that the property could not be built upon because it is located in a Runway Protection Zone for the Eastern West Virginia Regional Airport. The plaintiffs claim the defendants either made a mistake of fact that should cause the contract to be rescinded, or they claim the defendants' actions were constructive fraud. They seek undetermined damages.
Case number: 08-C-862


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