
THIS JUST IN: Ohio County


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

THIS JUST IN: Ohio County

July 10
United Bank Inc. vs. Andrew S. Hartong & John and Jane Doe
PA- W. Eric Gadd; J- Wilson
* United Bank, Inc., seeks the entitlement to the possession of a parcel of real estate property that the defendants claim belongs to them. It further seeks that the current occupants be ordered to vacate the premises immediately and that the defendants be held responsible for fees and court costs incurred.
Case number: 08-C-283

July 11
Ralph E. Wood and Janeen L. Wood vs. Martin Chalmers and Marilyn Chalmers, & Progressive Direct Insurance Company, et al.
PA- Michael J. Olejasz; J- Gaughen
* The Woods allege negligent entrustment and bad faith on the part of the defendants after filing a claim due to an auto accident involving the Chambers. The claim was never paid in full and therefore the plaintiffs seek compensatory damages and other relief.
Case number: 08-C-287

July 14
American Diversified Developments Inc. vs. Gary L. Hoffman and Patricia Ann Hoffman
PA- Jeffrey W. McCamic; J- Wilson
* American Diversified Developments Inc. claims unlawful trespassing on a piece of property belonging to the plaintiff. It seeks the Hoffmans' removal of any property that they may have on the plaintiff's land as well as damages, interests, and court costs.
Case number: 08-C-289

July 18
Power Contracting Company vs. Ohio County Development Authority
PA- Ericson P. Kimbel; J- Recht
* Power Contracting Company alleges a breach of contract, unjust enrichment, and quantum meruit on the part of the Ohio County Development Authority. It seeks separate sums of $52,937.85 and $23,411 for compensatory damages and costs as well as $19,962.92 in interest.
Case number: 08-C-294

July 21
Green Tree Servicing LLC vs. Paul D. Cornell and Rebecca A. Cornell
PA- Jason S. Long; J- Wilson
* Green Tree Servicing alleges that the Cornells currently have the wrongful possession of collateral – a 1999 Castle manufactured home. It seeks judgment returning the collateral to the plaintiff.
Case number: 08-C-295

July 23
Arrow Financial Services LLC, assignee of FIA Card Services, NA, vs. William E. Gramlich Jr.
PA- Paul S. Atkins; J- Wilson
* Gramlich owes Arrow Financial Services, LLC, $16,455.55 on a past due account. Arrow Financial Services, LLC, seeks that amount plus interest and other costs.
Case number: 08-C-298

Lynn Davidson, Executrix of the Estate of Leslie H. Davidson vs. The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation a/k/a HSBC, et al.
PA- David A. Jividen; J- Recht
* Davidson requests that the Court issue a declaratory judgment and enjoin the defendants from completing any foreclosure sale of the plaintiff's home.
Case number: 08-C-301

Anna Dulaney vs. Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. & Actavis Totowa LLC, at al.
PA- Teresa C. Toriseva; J- Gaughen
* Dulaney alleges a breach of implied and expressed warranties, negligence, carelessness, and recklessness on the part of Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and the other defendants. She claims she suffered severe bodily injuries after taking the medication Digitek (Digoxin), many of which are permanent in nature. She seeks damages and other relief.
Case number: 08-C-302

Martha Florence Guy, Power of Attorney for Dorothy Porter vs. Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. & Actavis Totowa, LLC, at al.
PA- Teresa C. Toriseva; J- Gaughen
* Guy alleges a breach of implied and expressed warranties, negligence, carelessness, and recklessness on the part of Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and the other defendants. She claims Porter suffered severe bodily injuries after taking the medication Digitek (Digoxin), many of which are permanent in nature. She seeks damages and other relief on behalf of Porter's estate.
Case number: 08-C-303

July 24
Ashley A. Staff vs. West Liberty State College & West Liberty State College Board of Governors, et al.
PA- James J. Sellitti; J- Mazzone
* Staff claims that a male student at West Liberty State College who previously sexually assaulted another female student and was found responsible for the crime by the campus judicial board was allowed to remain on campus where he later sexually assaulted the plaintiff. Staff alleges fraudulent misrepresentation, inadequate security, and a breach of duty on the part of the defendants. She seeks damages and other relief.
Case number: 08-C-304

July 28
Beneficial West Virginia Inc. vs. Deborah A. Bright
PA- Kurt J. Winter; J- Gaughen
* Bright owes Beneficial West Virginia, Inc., $10,371.72 on a past due account. Beneficial West Virginia, Inc., seeks that amount plus attorneys' fees and 27% interest.
Case number: 08-C-206

July 29
Christopher Ice vs. El Tor Grotto Inc. & Wheeling Youth Football Association d/b/a Little Patriots, et al.
PA- Jacob M. Robinson; J- Gaughen
* Ice claims he slipped and fell on a negligently placed pedestrian ramp while attending a steak fry event being held by the Wheeling Youth Football Association. He suffered bodily injuries from the fall and incurred emotional distress as well as medical expenses. He seeks compensatory and punitive damages and other relief.
Case number: 08-C-308

July 30
Allan Pettit vs. Bec Wood Hills Golf Course & U.S. Battery Manufacturing Augusta Inc., et al.
PA- Theodore L. Tsoras; J- Wilson
* Pettit claims that while operating a golf cart on the defendant's property, he suffered physical injuries after the battery in the cart exploded suddenly. He alleges negligence on the part of the defendants and suffered emotional anguish as well as medical expenses. He seeks compensatory damages and other relief.
Case number: 08-C-309

July 31
Joshua D. Chaplin vs. Chaplin Real Estate Company
PA- Gregory A. Gaudino & William G. Petroplus; J- Gaughen
* Chaplin, while employed by Chaplin Real Estate Company, was doing construction work on a roof for a client when an accident caused him to fall over twenty feet to the ground, inflicting him with severe bodily injuries – many of which are permanent in nature. He alleges negligence and carelessness on the part of Chaplin Real Estate Company and seeks damages and other relief.
Case number: 08-C-310

Branch Banking and Trust Bankcard Corporation Inc. vs. Mark A. Rowe
PA- Christopher R. Moore; J- Gaughen
* Rowe owes Branch Banking and Trust Bankcard Corporation, Inc., $10,570.15 on a past due account. Branch Banking and Trust Bankcard Corporation, Inc., seeks that amount plus 15.9% then 8.25% interest.
Case number: 08-C-311


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