
THIS JUST IN: Marshall County


Tuesday, March 11, 2025

THIS JUST IN: Marshall County

Oct. 15
Patricia A. St. John vs. John and Kay Krieger
PA-Pro Se; J- Karl
* This complaint states the parties entered a verbal land contract agreement for which $200 a month was paid over a five year period. Upon a request by St. John, the balance requested was paid in full for the property adjacent to her premises. Upon discovering Consol's interest in purchasing the land, Krieger fused to issue a bill of sale. St. John claims she can produce a letter from her sister, Kay Krieger, stating the amount still owed on their land contract was $1100. The Court is asked to review the documents and bring Krieger's to Court to produce a signed sales agreement.
Case Number: 08-C-244

Oct. 20
Ford Motor Credit Company LLC, formerly Ford Motor Credit Company vs. Ollie Huggins AKA Ollie C. Huggins Sr.
PA- Andrea K. Reynolds; Steven B. Mulrooney; J- Madden
* A sales agreement was entered on Aug. 30, 2006, for an auto purchased from Jim Robinson and $6,000.27 is still claimed owing.
Case Number: 08-C-247

H&S Financial Inc. v. James E. Gray, Jr.
PA- John J. Balenovich; J- Karl
* A scholarship enrollment agreement was entered Apr. 15, 1999, with C1 Professional Training Center and $7500 is claimed owing. A judgment for this amount, plus 18 percent per year, is sought.
Case Number: 08-C248

Oct. 24
Murphy Construction & Equipment Rental Co. vs. Consolidated Mechanical Inc.
PA- Michael G. Simon; J- Madden
* A breach of contract is alleged with an unjust enrichment of $30,080. Three cranes were used from October 2007 through January 2008 and no rental payments were made. Not less than $75,000 is sought with fees and costs.
Case Number: 08-C-249

Carlene Sue Crow vs. Mary Louden
PA- Jacob M. Robinson; David P. Robinson; J- Karl
* Failure to yield right of way, on October 27, 2006, on the Jefferson Avenue Extension, is claimed to have resulted in a rear-end collision. As direct and proximate result various head and neck injuries are claimed. A judgment is sought in excess of jurisdictional compensatory damages.
Case Number: 08-C250

Kimberly Peffley, Kimberly Peffley as the Next Friend of Scott Peffley, a minor, and Scott Peffley, in his own right vs. Mary Louden
PA- David P. Robinson; J- Karl
* While traveling on Jefferson Extension, on Oct. 27, 2006, the vehicle she was traveling I was rear –ended. As direct results she claims having incurred divers and sundry medical expenses and the minor claims loss of consortium of his mother.
Case Number: 08-C251

Oct. 27
Beneficial West Virginia Inc., Successor in Interest to HSBC Bank USA, N.A. v. Judy R. Allen a/k/a Judy Allen
PA- Kurt J. Winter; J- Karl
* A written loan agreement was entered into March 29, 2006. An unjust enrichment has occurred in the sum of $5,789.38. No payment has been received since Feb. 12, 2008, and judgment for the breach of contract is demanded.
Case Number: 08-C-253

Oct. 29
Ronald Klug and Barbara Klug, his wife vs. Jeffrey McGlynn
PA- Gail W. Kahle; J- Madden
* A bicycle accident occurred on Allendale road. On July 11, 2008, McGlynn's dog ran ino the path of Ronald Klug, causing him to crash. As a direct proximate result personal injuries were suffered, including four fractured ribs and a contusion to his right lung. Thousands of dollars in medical bills will continue to incur. These injuries have impaired his ability to work and contributed to a loss of consortium for which compensatory damages are requested.
Case Number: 08-C-254

Oct. 30
David Teesdale and Angela Teesdale v. Babcock & Wilcox Construction Co., and The Ohio Power Company dba American Electric Power
PA- Jacob M. Robinson; J- Karl
* While working at the Krammer-Mitchell Plant, David Teesdale claims he was wrongfully terminated on Oct. 30, 2006, and that during the course of employment he is said to have suffered chronic on the job injuries to his right knee, which are directly related to unsafe working –walking conditions. Damages are sought, jointly and severally, against each defendant to deter similar behavior in the future.
Case Number: 08-C255

Oct. 31
Michelle Parsons and Benjamin Parsons, individually and Eli Parsons, Hannah Parsons and Grace Van Syoc, minors, by and through their parents and next friends, Michelle Parsons and Benjamin Parsons v. Robert R. Schmidt, Jr., and Schmidt Brothers, Inc.
PA- Louis J. John; J- Madden
* During the scope of his employment, on June 11, 2008, Schmidt was said to be operating a Silverado on Rte. 7 when he collided with Parsons. Michelle Parsons has incurred medical expenses in the amount of $120,000 and Benjamin Parsons has incurred medical bills in excess of $5,000. Loss of consortium has been suffered and a jury trial is requested for damages both, jointly and individually.
Case Number: 08-C256

Nov. 1
Beneficial West Virginia, Inc v. Michael D. Hill
PA- Kurt J. Winter; J- Karl
* On July 7, 2004, a loan agreement was entered with the last payment received on May 21, 2008. An unjust enrichment has occurred in the amount of $18,527.71, for which amount judgment is sought, along with 18% interest, fees, and costs.
Case Number: 08-C-257

Nov. 3
Herbert Daniel Benham vs. Babcock & Wilcox Construction Co., Inc. and The Ohio Power Company dba American Electric Power
PA- Jacob M. Robinson; J- Karl
* It is claimed Benham was discharged on Nov. 2, 2006, from the Krammer–Mitchell plant following the instituted proceedings of a Worker's Compensation Claim. This action is said to have been wrongful and retaliatory. Compensatory judgment, in excess of jurisdictional limits, is sought.
Case Number: 08-C-259


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