
THIS JUST IN: Cabell County


Saturday, February 22, 2025

THIS JUST IN: Cabell County

Feb. 5
C.F. Reuschlein, Inc. v. D'Annunzio & Co Inc.
PA-William D. Levine; J-Jane Hustead
* C.F. Reuschlein is a Huntington jewelry store that is a retail outlet for the products distributed by D'Annunzio. In January 2007, C.F. Reuschlein returned merchandise to D'Annunzio because the defendants were experiencing inventory shortages. In February, the jewelry store's account had a credit balance of $19,425. The suit claims D'Annunzio refused to send any more merchandise to C.F. Reuschlein and refused to pay the balance of the account. C.F. Reuschlein is seeking damages in the amount of $25,175.72.
Case number: 09-C-57

Jan. 26
Karen Price and Sharon Hayslett, representatives of the estate of Eddie Marshall v. St. Mary's Medical Center
PA-Andrew L. Paternostro; J-Jane Hustead
* Marshall was admitted to St. Mary's in January 2007. According to the suit, he was at risk of falling and the hospital staff failed to take fall prevention measures. As a result, he fell and broke his arm and pelvis. The suit also claims the staff failed to treat his skin break down and pressure ulcers, which led to weight loss. Marshall eventually died at the hospital as a direct result of the negligence of the staff, according to the suit.
Case number: 09-C-66

Jan. 30
Randy and Virginia Turley v. MaryLand Estates LLC, RLJ Management Co., Salt Rock Sewer Public Service District
PA-Maria T. Goldcamp; J-David M. Pancake
* Randy and Virginia were visiting the property owned by the Defendants. According to the suit, Randy was walking up a ramp where there was a manhole cover. He claims he stepped on the cover and it flipped up. This caused his right leg to go into the hole and he subsequently hit his head on a truck. The suit claims the Defendants should have taken better care of the property and maintained the manhole cover.
Case number: 09-C-78

Feb. 3
David Walters d/b/a Walters Excavating v. Todd L. Graham and Royal Winds Farm Inc.
PA-J. Robert Leslie; J-Jane Hustead
* Walters claims he performed work for Graham to the tune of $20,050. However, Graham has failed to pay for the work, according to the suit. Walters placed a Mechanics Lien on the property and is seeking to be paid for the work he allegedly performed.
Case number: 09-C-83

Feb. 6
Van Dyne Crotty Corp. d/b/a Spirit Services Co. v. Huntington Alloys Corp. d/b/a Special Metals, United SteelWorkers of America, et al.
PA-Robert A. Falugher; J-David M. Pancake
* Special Metals entered into a contract in 2005 with Spirit Services to have the company clean garmets for its workers. Special Metals allegedly stopped making payments in 2007, claiming the men who signed the contract on behalf of the company didn't have the authority to enter into such agreements. Spirit Services claims Special Metals owes for several unpaid invoices. The Columbus-based company is seeking compensatory damages in the amount of $175,564.94.
Case number: 09-C-99


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