
Couple sues former Ohio County Sheriff over wreck


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Couple sues former Ohio County Sheriff over wreck

WHEELING – An Ohio County couple is suing a long-time sheriff of the county for a car wreck.

Ronald and Cindy Conaway filed a lawsuit May 18 in Ohio Circuit Court against Thomas Burgoyne, the Ohio County Commission and Lorenze Butzke, who is described as an Ohio County resident.

Burgoyne has since retired from the sheriff's post.

The couple claims Burgoyne was driving a 2005 Ford Crown Victoria that was owned by either the commission or Butzke when he collided with the rear of a 2002 Jeep Cherokee driven by Ronald.

The wreck occurred on May 18, 2007 on the Wheeling Suspension Bridge.

Ronald claims Burgoyne was speeding and hit the rear end of his Jeep with such force that the Jeep was pushed into the vehicle in front of it.

Ronald says he was permanently injured from the wreck. Cindy claims loss of consortium.

The couple is seeking compensatory damages.

Jacob M. Robinson is representing the plaintiffs.

Ohio Circuit Court case number: 09-C-160


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