
THIS JUST IN: Cabell County


Wednesday, March 26, 2025

THIS JUST IN: Cabell County

June 18
Terri Lea Sheppard individually and as the natural mother of Bryson L. Sheppard v. Carolyn E. Clark, M.D., Carolyn E. Clark, M.D., Inc., and Cabell Huntington Hospital
PA-Paul T. Farrell Jr.; J-Jane Hustead
* Sheppard was admitted to Cabell Huntington on Nov. 18, 2007, to be induced under the care of Clark. After a breech was detected, healthcare providers allegedly proceeded with delivery and did not inform Sheppard of the risks of vaginal delivery of a breech presentation. Sheppard claims the staff failed to monitor fetal well-being of Bryan, resulting in hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. Sheppard is suing for doctor, hospital and medical bills, pain, suffering and mental anguish, permanent physical injury, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of filial consortium and other damages.
Case number: 09-C-533

Lucinda Sayre v. St. Mary's Medical Center and Kenneth Fink, M.D.
PA-Jeff C. Woods J-Jane Hustead
* Sayre was admitted to St. Mary's on June 2, 2007, under Fink's care, and stayed until June 18. During this time, Sayre developed a wound on her right leg and reported it to nurses, who treated it with bacitracin and Neosporin. Sayre claims the wound worsened and she was discharged without a follow-up for it. She allegedly developed a fever and erythema in her leg and went to Charleston Area Medical Center that same day, who confirmed through testing it was Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. Sayre is suing for pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, emotional distress and incurred expenses for medical care.
Case number: 09-C-0536

June 22
Brenda Rutledge v. Thomas G. McGuffin
PA-Michael S. Bailey; J-David M. Pancake
* On June 21, 2007, Rutledge was walking with her granddaughter along Johnson Hollow Road near her residence and McGuffin's residence when McGuffin's dog allegedly attacked Rutledge's granddaughter. Rutledge claims she stepped in front of her granddaughter to protect her and was bitten in the upper right thigh. She claims they did not enter McGuffin's property, nor did they interact or provoke the dog. According to the suit, McGuffin's dog was not under any form of restraint and was allowed to "run at large." She is suing for medical expenses, pain and suffering of body and mind, physical disability, loss of enjoyment of life, and costs and attorney fees.
Case Number: 09-C-537

Terry G. Bias and Claire A. Bias v. The Ohio River Terminals Company, Midland Marine Management Co., The Ohio River Company, Midland Enterprises, Ingram Barge Company, Ingram Industries, Inc., C. Layne Corporation, Chester L. Layne, Standard Laboratories Inc., and John Does
PA-Michael C. Walker; J-NA
* Terry Bias was employed jointly by The Ohio River Terminal Company, Midland Management Co., Ingram Barge Company, Inc., The Ohio River Company, Midland Enterprises and Ingram Industries, Inc. On June 24, 2007 a bar fell and struck Bias on the back of the head, causing him to fall down onto the steel grating. According to the suit, he sustained a traumatic brain injury resulting in a cognitive disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder resulting in an anxiety disorder, injuries and/or aggravation of a pre-existing bilateral neck sprain and lumbar spine condition, damage to the brain, central nervous system, cervical spine, thoracic spine and lumbar spine, severe shock and injury. He is suing for negligence and willful, wanton malicious or reckless conduct, common law negligence, strict liability in tort, breach of warranties, two counts of breach of contract, negligence, carelessness, recklessness, and loss of consortium for compensatory damages.
Case number: 09-C-0538

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