

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

THIS JUST IN: Kanawha County

Sept. 8
Jess and Christy Inclenrock vs. the Town of East Bank
PA - James B. Akers; J - Zakaib
* The plaintiffs, residents of Clendenin, are suing the defendant for creating a hostile working environment after the council voted to cut Christy's job as town clerk and changed Jess' hours as police chief in retaliation for an arrest two East Bank officers made on the town recorder in September 2008. In addition to unspecified damages, court costs and attorney fees, the Inclenrocks are seeking a court-ordered injunction prohibiting the council from taking over control of the police department.
Case number: 09-C-1661

Eric and Tina King vs. the City of Charleston and Charleston Fire Department
PA - Jacqueline L. Sikora; J - Kaufman
* The plaintiffs, residents of South Charleston, are suing the defendants for injuries Eric sustained in September 2007 following a training accident while serving as a probationary firefighter, and later discharge when he threatened to report the unsafe manner in which the accident occurred, and falsification of related records. Tina makes a claim for loss of consortium. They are seeking damages of $ 1 million plus court costs, attorney fees and interest.
Case number: 09-C-1662

James R. Carte Jr. vs. the Town of East Bank
PA -James B. Akers; J - Berger
* The plaintiff, a resident of Charleston is suing the defendant, for creating a hostile working environment after the council voted to change his status as a police officer from full-time to part-time in retaliation for an arrest he and another officer made on the town recorder in September 2008. He is seeking unspecified damages, court costs and attorney fees.
Case number: 09-C-1667

Sept. 9
Carol Roush vs. the state of West Virginia and Division of Highways
PA - Walt Auvil; J - Bloom
* The plaintiff is asking the court to prohibit the defendants from enforcing the "Puccio memorandum" which instructs cabinet secretaries not to grant merit increases or salary advancements until further notice. An inspector III for outdoor advertising/salvage yards, Roush maintains the memo constitutes gender discrimination since it has resulted in a disparity of pay between herself and male employees with similar duties. She is seeking court costs and attorney fees.
Case number: 09-C-1670

Sept. 10
Steven W. Smith vs. the Town of East Bank
PA - James B. Akers; J - Zakaib
* The plaintiff, a resident of Mt. Carbon, is suing the defendants for creating a hostile working environment after the council voted to terminate him as police officer in November in retaliation for an arrest he and other officer made on the town recorder in September 2008. He is seeking unspecified damages, court costs and attorney fees.
Case number: 09-C-1673

Tom R. and Cynthia R. Lowery vs. Kevin D. Stone, Jane Doe and Doe Corps.
PA - D. Adrian Hoosier; J - King
* The plaintiffs are suing the defendants for fraudulently inducing them into signing over to Stone the deed to a home on Georges Drive in Charleston so a bank could loan him $75,000 to purchase the home for $95,000 under an owner financing agreement. Along with unspecified damages, court costs and attorney fees, the Lowerys are seeking an order evicting Stone, and his girlfriend, from the home.
Case number: 09-C-1675

State of West Virginia ex. rel. Darrell V. McGraw Jr. vs. Pfizer Inc.
PA - Kimberly Stitzinger Jones; J - King
* The plaintiff is suing the defendant for promoting Geodon, an anti-psychotic drug, to consumers and health care professionals for uses in which it was not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It is seeking unspecified damages plus $5,000 in civil penalties for each violation of the state consumer protection act, and an injunction prohibiting the defendant from further promoting the drug's off-label use.
Case number: 09-C-1681

Richard Lawrence II vs. Billy E. King
PA - J. Michael Ranson; J - King
* The plaintiff, a Charleston resident, is suing the defendant, also a Charleston resident, for ordering other National Guardsmen to sexually assault him while on a training exercise on an unspecified date and location. He is seeking unspecified damages, court costs and attorney fees.
Case number: 09-C-1683


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