


Monday, March 10, 2025


Feb. 16
Jonathan and Julie Ransom vs. Darden Restaurants Inc., GMRI Inc., Olive Garden Italian Restaurant and John Does
PA - John E. Triplett, Jr.; J - Beane
* The plaintiffs, residents of Tennessee, are suing the defendants, an Orlando, Fla.-based corporation, and its franchisee, for injuries Julie sustained on Feb. 16, 2008, at the defendant's Vienna location when she tripped over a curb resulting in a dislocated left elbow and a fractured radial head of her upper left extremity. Jonathan makes a claim for loss of consortium. They seek unspecified damages, court costs and interest.
Case number: 10-C-54

Feb. 17
Eric Chandler vs. Wincore Window Company Inc.
PA - Benjamin Conaway; J - Waters
* The plaintiff is suing the defendant for discrimination following his termination on Oct. 14 after 14 months with the company, and no disciplinary problems. He seeks unspecified damages, including back wages, court costs and attorney fees.
Case number: 10-C-56

Kace Douglas vs. Tele-Response Center Inc. and 1-2-1 Direct Response Inc.
PA - Chad Shepherd; J - Beane
* The plaintiff is suing the defendants for failing to pay her from Jan 1-20 prior to the defendant's location on Division St. closing on Jan. 20. She seeks unspecified damages, court costs, interest and attorney fees.
Case number: 10-C-60

Feb. 18
New Woodridge Plantation LLC vs. River City Tavern and Grill d/b/a Carmella's at Woodridge
PA - Jay W. Gerber; J - Reed
* The plaintiff is suing the defendant for breach of contract when they abandoned property leased from the plaintiff at the plaintiff's location in Mineral Wells and failed to pay rent during the three months it occupied and operated a restaurant at the plaintiff's golf course. They are seeking judgment for $27, 288 plus court costs and interest.
Case number: 10-C-68

Richard Ellison vs. Monumental Life Insurance Company, Peoples Security Life Insurance Company and William D. Huggins
PA - Todd Wiseman; J - Reed
* The plaintiff is suing the defendants for breach of contract when they unexpectedly raised the premiums of his life insurance policy. He seeks unspecified damages and interest.
Case number: 10-C-74

Feb. 25
Stacy L. Lynch, individually, and as administrator of the Estate of Cailyn Renea Lynch, and Aaron R. Lynch, individually vs. Mid-Ohio Valley Medical Group Inc, Parkersburg Radiology Services Inc., Jeffrey Braham, M.D., Russell A. Miller, M.D., Sharileda C. Vance, M.D., Jeffrey S. Moncman, M.D. and William H. Hensley, M.D.
PA - Paul K. Reese; J - Waters
* The plaintiffs are suing the defendants for the wrongful death of the their 17-day old daughter after failing to diagnose her with sepsis following a series of examinations at the Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital emergency room from Oct. 1-5, 2007. They seek unspecified damages.
Case number: 10-C-78

Jeff Corra vs. Ginny Conley, Sean Francisco, Dave Tennant and Bret Pickens
PA - Pro se; J - Reed
* The plaintiff is suing the defendants, the former Wood County Prosecutor, an Assistant Wood County Prosecutor and two Wood County Deputy Sheriff's for wrongful prosecution on charges of furnishing alcohol to minors, and involuntary manslaughter stemming from an automobile fatality on Aug. 6, 2006 in Parkersburg. He seeks unspecified damages, attorney fees and court costs.
Case number: 10-C-79

Feb. 26
James Michael Wilcox vs. Wood County Sheriff's Department, Deputy J.W. Allen and the Wood County Commission
PA - Gary W. Smith; J - Reed
* The plaintiff is suing the defendants for injuries he sustained on March 1, 2008 when he fell on an icy, slopped walkway while being processed for public intoxication at the Inebriated Recovery Program operated by the defendants on Mission Drive in Parkersburg. He seeks unspecified damages, court costs and interest.
Case number: 10-C-81

March 1
Christopher Todd Smith, administrator of the estate of Cozetta Mae Smith, deceased vs. Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital Corporation
PA - Michael L. Myers; J - Waters.
* The plaintiff, a Calhoun County resident, is suing the defendant for the wrongful death of his mother following her treatment at the defendant's location in March 2008. He seeks unspecified damages, attorney fees and interest.
Case number: 10-C-82


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