
CIVIL FILINGS: Jefferson County


Monday, January 27, 2025

CIVIL FILINGS: Jefferson County

March 19
Donald J. Orser vs. The County Commission of Jefferson County
PA-J. Michael Cassell; J - Sanders
* Orser is seeking review of various erroneous assessments confirmed and decided by the County Commission of Jefferson County sitting as the Jefferson County Board of Equalization and Review. Donald J. Orser is the record title owner of numerous lots located in Jefferson County. Various hearings were conducted by the County Commission in February 2010. Orser filed numerous appeals of various assessments of a portion of the real estate which Orser owns in Jefferson County, which were heard on Feb. 17. Orser seeks relief, review and other relief in the Court from the erroneous assessments confirmed and decided by the Commission at the hearings conducted.
Case number: 10-C-89

March 19
Bradley Chandler, Jessica Chandler, both next-of-friend of Cassandra Chandler vs. Wanda Mason-Ballenger
PA-Andrew C. Skinner; J-Sanders
* The Chandlers moved into a rental property in Bakerton on March 1, 2009. In September, they realized their 20-month-old daughter had eaten paint chips from a door frame in the house, which later tested positive for lead. They moved out of the house out of concern for the safety of their daughter. They claim the defendant failed to make disclosures about the "target home" containing lead paint, which falls under the Residential Lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act. Due to this violation, the Chandlers say they suffered losses because of this failure, including the costs of having blood tests to determine lead levels and the costs of moving. In addition, the defendant refused to reimburse them for the cost of fuel that was left behind as well as the replacement of the well pump. The Chandlers are requesting reimbursement of the costs of the fuel, the well and all damages and other relief as deemed appropriate by the court.
Case number: 10-C-91


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