CHARLESTON -– The West Virginia Chamber of Commerce is encouraging members of the West Virginia House of Delegates to act quickly on legislation that would create an intermediate court of appeals in West Virginia.
According to a statewide poll of 500 likely voters conducted Jan. 25-27 by Public Opinion Strategies on behalf of the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce, a majority of voters support ensuring an automatic right of appeal by establishing an intermediate court of appeals in West Virginia.
"We are very pleased to see that a majority of the surveyed West Virginians support the creation of an intermediate court of appeals in West Virginia," Chamber President Steve Roberts said. "This has been one of the most important issues for our members for many years."
When survey respondents were informed that the creation of an independent court of appeals was recommended by the Independent Commission on Judicial Reform chaired by former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and former U.S. Senator Carte Goodwin support for its creation jumped to 74 percent.
Support for the creation of an intermediate court of appeals reached 85 percent when survey respondents learned that eight in 10 requests for appeals in criminal cases, and seven in 10 civil cases were not heard in 2008.
"West Virginians are fair people and they support better justice for our citizens in both civil and criminal matters, which is obtained through the creation of an intermediate court of appeals," Robert said. "We hope the West Virginia House of Delegates acts on the intermediate court of appeals legislation."