
CIVIL FILINGS: Monongalia County


Saturday, February 22, 2025

CIVIL FILINGS: Monongalia County

April 28
Victoria and Brent Flowers vs. West Virginia University Board of Governors, West Virginia University Hospitals and West Virginia University Medical Corporation
PA-Wesley Metheney; J-NA
* Victoria Flowers, who had a history of diabetic ketoacidosis, underwent hydration and placement of an arterial catheter in her right wrist. Following the tests, she suffered severe pain, numbness, swelling and problems with her right hand due to nerve injury. Additional medical consultations showed damage to her right medial and ulnar nerves of her right hand and arm, which resulted in permanent disability. She seeks damages, jointly and severally, for past, present and future medical, doctor and hospital bills, pain and suffering, permanent damage to her right medial and ulnar nerves, loss of normal occupational and recreational pursuits, and lost wages.
Case number: 11-C-273

April 29
Richard Jones, Executor of estate of Barbara Ann Jones vs. West Virginia University Board of Governors, Karen MacKay MD and Rahella Rehman, MD
PA-James N. Riley; J-NA
* In late April, 2009, Barbara Jones was diagnosed with probable vasculitis and was to undergo a kidney biopsy. During the biopsy, the needle was inserted too deeply into Jones' kidney and her intestines were perforated. As a result, there was internal bleeding through her bowel. It was necessary for her to undergo two additional surgeries. Due to her weakened condition, loss of blood and deterioration of her health, she suffered a stroke which caused her death. Her estate seeks compensatory damages, pre and post judgment interest, costs and attorney fees.
Case number: 11-C-276

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