
Morgantown couple sues Target for injuries sustained from fall


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Morgantown couple sues Target for injuries sustained from fall

CHARLESTON -- A Morgantown couple is suing Target Stores, Inc., for injuries sustained from a fall in its South Charleston store.

On Sept. 15, 2009, Karen L. Summers was walking down the detergent aisle of Target when her left foot came into contact with a liquid that was on the floor, causing her to sustain severe, permanent and disabling injuries, according to a complaint filed Sept. 9 in Kanawha Circuit Court.

Summers claims after falling, a customer shopping at the store came her her assistance and then notified the manager of the store for her.

Shaun Hubbard, the manager of the store, came to Summers' assistance and called an ambulance for her, according to the suit.

Summers claims the defendant breached its duty by failing to exercise the ordinary care to keep and maintain the premises in a reasonably safe condition.

The defendant's failures caused Summers' husband, Kenneth Summers, suffered a loss of consortium, guidance, services and support of his wife, according to the suit.

The couple is compensatory damages. They are being represented by Scott S. Segal and Mark R. Staun.

The case has been assigned to Circuit Judge Louis H. Bloom.

Kanawha Circuit Court case number: 11-C-1583


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