
Couple sues physician for medical malpractice


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Couple sues physician for medical malpractice


CHARLESTON -- A couple is suing a physician they claim failed to adequately investigate hearing loss.

Crigger & Associates ENT, PLLC was also named as a defendant in the suit.

Beginning in January 2008, Dr. Charles D. Crigger began seeing Daniel Rainey for hearing loss complaints, according to a complaint filed June 18 in Kanawha Circuit Court.

Rainey claims Crigger performed at least three audiograms which noted nerve loss hearing in his left ear.

Despite the findings, Crigger failed to adequately investigate Rainey's asymmetrical hearing loss, according to the suit.

Rainey claims more than two years later, he suffered an acute event resulting in a complete hearing loss and an MRI was performed, which resulted in a diagnosis of a large acoustic neuroma.

Surgery was performed to remove the acoustic neuroma and as a result of the neuroma being too large and because of the type of surgery that was performed, Rainey suffers from a visible facial drop, has cognitive defects because the removal of part of his brain and has no hearing in his left ear, according to the suit.

Rainey claims had Crigger appropriately investigated the asymmetrical hearing loss, the standard of care of a timely referral could have been made and treatment of the neuroma could have been done.

The defendants delay in diagnosis and treatment caused Rainey to suffer permanent nerve damage, according to the suit.

Rainey and his wife, Lori Rainey, are seeking compensatory damages with pre-judgment interest. They are being represented by Arden J. Curry.

The case has been assigned to Circuit Judge Louis H. Bloom.

Case number: 12-C-1136


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