
CIVIL FILINGS: Cabell County


Monday, March 31, 2025

CIVIL FILINGS: Cabell County


Sept. 19
High Performance Heat Treating, Inc. vs. H&W Mine Supply, Inc., also d/b/a Hurley Mine Supply
PA- Daniel J. Konrad; J- David M. Pancake
* High Performance performed services for the defendant. It claims H&W failed to pay for the services. High Performance is seeking judgment in the amount of $37,212.81 with interest.
Case number: 12-C-624

Sept. 20
Paul Crisp vs. Stewart Albert Asebes and B&R Development, LLC
PA- Brian Alan Prim; J- F. Jane Hustead
* On Sept. 20, 2010, Crisp was driving a motorcycle on Ohio 7 near Union Township and was following a pickup truck driven by Asebes. Crisp claims Asebes recklessly, carelessly and negligently secured cargo into the bed of the truck and failed to properly secure the cargo, which fell out and into Crisp’s path. Asebes was employed by B&R and was acting on behalf of B&R at the time of the accident. Crisp is seeking compensatory damages.
Case number: 12-C-628

Sept. 24
Christopher Schneider vs. Centers, LLC; Keith Hernstrom; and Andy Darling
PA- Kurt E. Entsminger; J- David M. Pancake
* Schneider was employed by the defendants. He claims he was discriminated against due to his disability. Schneider is seeking compensatory and punitive damages with pre- and post-judgment interest.
Case number: 12-C-636

Stephanie Ward vs. Terance W. Triplett, M.D. and Ultimate Health Services, Inc. d/b/a Huntington Internal Medicine Group
PA- William L. Mundy, Richard Weston; J- David M. Pancake
* On Sept. 25, 2010, Ward was admitted to St. Mary’s Medical Center under Triplett’s care with abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. She claims Triplett failed to properly manage her Antiphospholipid Syndrome in relation to a cholestectomy procedure performed while she was in the hospital. Triplett failed to appropriately and timely monitor and treat her Antiphospholipid Syndrome and failed to follow the proper guidelines for the management of the disease following her discharge from the hospital after the cholestectomy. Ward is seeking compensatory damages with pre- and post-judgment interest.
Case number: 12-C-638

Tania Davis vs. Toys “R” Us, Inc.; Mohammad Roman, individually and in his capacity as general store manager of Toys “R” Us, Inc.; and John Doe, unknown person or persons
PA- Michael A. Woelfel; J- F. Jane Hustead
* Davis is an employee of Toys “R” Us and claims she was sexually harassed and sexually exploited by Roman on store premises. Davis is seeking compensatory and punitive damages with pre-judgment interest.
Case number: 12-C-639

Stephanie Dailey vs. Toys “R” Us, Inc.; Mohammad Roman, individually and in his capacity as general store manager of Toys “R” Us, Inc.; and John Doe, unknown person or persons
PA- Michael A. Woelfel; J- F. Jane Hustead
* Dailey is an employee of Toys “R” Us and claims she was sexually harassed and sexually exploited by Roman on store premises. Dailey is seeking compensatory and punitive damages with pre-judgment interest.
Case number: 12-C-640

Alison Turner vs. Toys “R” Us, Inc.; Mohammad Roman, individually and in his capacity as general store manager of Toys “R” Us, Inc.; and John Doe, unknown person or persons
PA- Michael A. Woelfel; J- F. Jane Hustead
* Turner is an employee of Toys “R” Us and claims she was sexually harassed and sexually exploited by Roman on store premises. Turner is seeking compensatory and punitive damages with pre-judgment interest.
Case number: 12-C-641

Sept. 26
Sharon Counts vs. Colton Hatfield and Twin Silos at Lavalette, LLC
PA- Michael L. Myers; J- F. Jane Hustead
* On Sept. 26, 2010, Counts was a passenger in a vehicle traveling westbound on U.S. 60 in Milton when Hatfield, who was under the influence of alcohol, crossed the center line and crashed head-on into the vehicle, knocking it off the roadway and into a guardrail. Counts claims Hatfield was acting in the scope of his employment at the time of the accident. Counts is seeking compensatory and punitive damages.
Case number: 12-C-647


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