
Couple sues over alleged fall at Cabell courthouse


Friday, March 28, 2025

Couple sues over alleged fall at Cabell courthouse


HUNTINGTON - A woman and her husband are suing the Cabell County Commission after she was allegedly injured while on its premises.

On Aug. 22, Janie Driggs was preparing to enter the Cabell County Courthouse when she tripped over an uneven and raised section of the walkway and was injured, according to a complaint filed June 7 in Cabell Circuit Court.

Driggs claims the defendant breached its duty of reasonable care by failing to keep the walkway intended for public use free and clear from unreasonable defects, hazards or obstructions; failing to exercise reasonable care to correct the conditions; failing to warn her of the existence of the conditions; failing to properly and adequately supervise and oversee the area; failing to prevent the undue deterioration of the premises; and any and all other acts of negligence.

As a result of the defendant's careless, reckless, negligent, willful, wanton, malicious and unlawful acts, Driggs suffered injuries to the upper, middle and lower extremities of her body, according to the suit.

Driggs claims she incurred medical expenses for services of hospitals, physicians and traveling in an amount that has not been ascertained at this time.

As a further direct and proximate result of the defendant's negligence and carelessness, Driggs' husband, Billie Driggs II, has been deprived of his wife's services, comfort, society, household services and attention, according to the suit.

The plaintiffs are seeking compensatory damages with pre- and post-judgment interest. They are being represented by R.R. Fredeking II of Fredeking & Fredeking Law Offices LC.

The case has been assigned to Circuit Judge F. Jane Hustead.

Cabell Circuit Court case number: 13-C-399


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