
Woman says TTA bus driver stopped short, caused injuries


Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Woman says TTA bus driver stopped short, caused injuries


HUNTINGTON – A woman is suing Tri-State Transit Authority after she claims she was injured when a TTA bus came to an abrupt stop.

On Oct. 24, 2013, Tonetta Scott was a passenger on a TTA bus in Huntington when the bus came to an abrupt sand unnecessary stop, causing her to strike her head up against the interior of the bus, according to a complaint filed in Cabell Circuit Court.

Scott claims the defendant was negligent and careless in the operation of the bus by operating the bus without due caution or circumspection and in utter disregard of the safety of others, particularly the safety and well-being of the plaintiff.

The defendant failed to maintain control of the bus and was negligent in other ways, according to the suit.

Scott claims she suffered severe and permanent bodily injuries and sustained physical and mental pain and suffering.

The plaintiff is, has been and will continue to be restricted from her normal activities resulting in a loss of income, according to the suit.

Scott is seeking compensatory damages. She is being represented Matthew J. Woelfel of Woelfel & Woelfel.

The case is assigned to Circuit Judge F. Jane Hustead.

Cabell Circuit Court case number: 15-C-724


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