
Man sues Beni Kedem Shrine, potentate for expelling him


Monday, March 3, 2025

Man sues Beni Kedem Shrine, potentate for expelling him


HUNTINGTON – A man is suing Beni Kedem Shrine and its potentate after he claims he was wrongfully expelled from the shrine and from his position as treasurer.

Larry E. Bolling was previously for 18 years a “Noble” in good standing and also potentate of Beni Kedem Shrine and was treasurer of the Huntington Shrine Club, according to a complaint filed Jan. 19 in Cabell Circuit Court.

Bolling claims he was wrongfully and illegally disciplined and expelled from Beni Kedem pursuant to a trial on baseless and unfounded charges brought by Chester “Chet” Roberts, the current potentate of Beni Kedem.

The grounds for the charges were spurious, without merit and all proceedings that were conducted by the defendant were illegal, according to the suit.

Bolling claims the charges were filed by Roberts and he then appointed a grievance committee, the prosecutor and the jury to hear and act upon the charges brought against Bolling.

Roberts had a blatant conflict of interest from which any reasonable person should have recused themselves or deferred to the “Chief Rabban” as the person second in command to the defendant in his official capacity for all further proceedings in the matter.

Bolling claims the grievance committee, prosecutor and jury were all aware of the circumstances and by whom they were appointed to act and, therefore, being sensitive to his high position were intimidated and not inclined themselves to be fair and impartial, acting in what were the obvious objectives of the potentate who had a self-interest in the charges which were brought and prosecuted to a predetermined conclusion.

The plaintiff was not provided with the proper or legally required notice of the charges against him, grievance committee meetings and/or trial, as also provided in the by-laws, according to the suit.

Bolling claims he was removed from his position as treasurer of the Huntington Shrine Club, from which he was also expelled as a result of the trial.

Bolling is seeking compensatory and punitive damages. He is being represented by Walton S. Shepherd III.

The case is assigned to Circuit Judge F. Jane Hustead.

Cabell Circuit Court case number: 16-C-39


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