
Couple blames Bizzack for property damage


Monday, March 31, 2025

Couple blames Bizzack for property damage


LOGAN – Another lawsuit has been filed against Bizzack Construction for alleged property damages from highway construction.

Beginning in September 2013 and continuing through June 2016, the defendant set off a series of explosions on their highway construction project located adjacent to the property owned by Cline Waugh Jr. and Linda Waugh, according to a complaint filed July 26 in Logan Circuit Court.

The Waughs claim as a result of the series of explosions, their real and personal property was damaged, caused to lose value and they suffered loss of use of their property, plus annoyance and inconvenience.

The defendant’s actions caused the Waughs to suffer injuries and damages to their property that were temporary and permanent in nature, according to the suit.

The Waughs are seeking compensatory damages. They are being represented by Robert B. Kuenzel of Kuenzel Law.

There have been at least 25 lawsuits filed against the company—mostly in Logan Circuit Court—for the highway construction.

The other lawsuits have claimed the defendant’s blasting was and is an abnormally dangerous activity and the defendant is strictly liable for any and all damages.

Logan Circuit Court case numbers: 17-C-215

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