
Jenkins, Morrisey campaigns attack over 'lies' at candidate forum


Friday, January 24, 2025

Jenkins, Morrisey campaigns attack over 'lies' at candidate forum


CHARLESTON – Campaigns for two of the leading Republican candidates for U.S. Senate are calling each other liars, this time over issues related to Planned Parenthood.

On April 4, U.S. Representative Evan Jenkins’ campaign said West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey misled voters during an April 3 candidate forum in the Eastern Panhandle by “claiming his family’s D.C. lobbying firm, Capitol Counsel, does not financially benefit from Planned Parenthood lobbying.”

Jenkins’ campaign says it has been widely reported that Morrisey’s family does profit from that activity.

“Denise Henry Morrisey (Morrisey’s wife) holds the second-largest ownership stake in Capitol Counsel, a high-powered lobbying shop that has represented Planned Parenthood’s opposition to federal legislation designed to defund the organization and prohibit taxpayer-funded abortions, federal records show,” Jenkins’ campaign says. “As a managing partner at Capitol Counsel, Denise Henry Morrisey holds a 15 percent stake in the lobbying firm, according to U.S. Justice Department records, and her LinkedIn biography lists her as the firm’s "owner."

Jenkins’ campaign also says Morrisey’s state financial disclose statement lists Capitol Counsel’s lobbying activities as contributing to more than 20 percent of Morrisey’s gross income. And that from 2015 to 2017, Planned Parenthood paid Capitol Counsel $640,000 to lobby for pro-abortion rights according to OpenSecrets.org.

“It’s no surprise that Morrisey is trying to hide the truth on how he funds his lifestyle from West Virginians, especially when he’s padding his pockets with Planned Parenthood money,” Jenkins’ campaign says.

Morrisey’s campaign denies that claim.

“Jenkins is lobbing a false attack at Patrick Morrisey’s wife, Denise,” it states. “The truth is, Denise Morrisey has never lobbied on behalf of Planned Parenthood, and a public statement from her firm declares that she has never received compensation from Planned Parenthood.”

Meanwhile, Morrisey’s campaign claims Jenkins rolled out “lie after lie” at the forum.

“But all the rhetoric in the world can't cover up Jenkins’ record of supporting Joe Manchin, John Kerry, funding for Planned Parenthood, gun control, cap-and-trade, and tax increases.”

Morrisey’s campaign says Jenkins touted his vote for the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill as proof that he supported funding a wall along America’s southern border.

“Conservative members of Congress and news outlets criticized the omnibus for severely underfunding efforts to build a southern border wall and containing language that severely restricts that effort,” Morrisey’s campaign states. “The omnibus also continues to fund dangerous sanctuary cities that protect criminals.”

Also, it claims Jenkins said stood behind his pro-life voting record and said the omnibus doesn’t fund Planned Parenthood.

“Jenkins voted for the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill that funded Planned Parenthood,” Morrisey’s campaign says. “PBS News explicitly declared: ‘The bill continues current policies. Planned Parenthood would remain eligible for federal grants.’

“Jenkins also filled out a 2006 survey in which he refused to oppose taxpayer-funded abortions and voted for pro-abortion nominees in the state Legislature.”

Morrisey’s campaign also disputes Jenkins’ claim that he is a “proud supporter of the Second Amendment.”

“Jenkins voted against an NRA-backed bill to prohibit cities and counties from restricting the right of any person to purchase, possess, transfer, own, carry or sell any firearm,” the campaign states. “Evan Jenkins also supported the omnibus spending bill that funds the CDC to research and validate the gun grabbers' anti-gun agenda.”

Morrisey and Jenkins will face primary competition from former Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship, former coal miner Bo Copley from Delbarton, Martinsburg businessman Tom Willis and Weirton truck driver Jack Newbrough. Incumbent Senator Joe Manchin will be challenged in the Democratic primary by Raleigh County environmental activist Paula Jean Swearengin.

West Virginia’s primary is May 8.

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