
Wayne County man alleges law enforcement violated civil rights in search at convenience store


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Wayne County man alleges law enforcement violated civil rights in search at convenience store

Federal Court

HUNTINGTON – A Wayne County man alleges his rights were violated when he and his car were searched at a convenience store.

Richard Daniels filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia against Wayne County, city of Kenova, city of Ceredo and two unknown Wayne County Sheriff's Department officers alleging violation of his civil rights, conspiracy to interfere with constitutional rights and other counts.

The suit states that the plaintiff was released from Western Regional Jail in 2018 and was placed on parole for a year. He alleges he moved into a family member's home in Kenova and has adhered to his parole requirements.

During the almost two-month period during his parole, the plaintiff alleges he has been pulled over, detained and/or had his vehicle or person searched by Wayne County, Ceredo or Kenova law enforcement.

The plaintiff alleges that on April 8, his vehicle was searched by the Wayne County Sheriff's Department Drug Enforcement Unit after he pulled into a parking lot of a convenience store. The suit states no illegal substances, paraphernalia, weapons or illegal or prohibited items were found in the search. He also alleges he was ordered into the store's bathroom for a strip search where no illegal substances were found.

The plaintiff alleges the unknown correction officers unlawfully detained and seized him and searched his vehicle without a warrant.

The plaintiff is seeking all reasonable sums due, attorney fees and court costs. The plaintiff is represented by Hoyt Glazer of the Law Office of Hoyt Glazer PLLC in Huntington.

U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia case number 3:19-CV-00413

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