
ATTORNEY'S OFFICE OF WEST VIRGINIA: U.S. Attorney Appoints New Senior Leadership Team


Monday, March 17, 2025

ATTORNEY'S OFFICE OF WEST VIRGINIA: U.S. Attorney Appoints New Senior Leadership Team


U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Northern West Virginia issued the following announcement on Jan. 29.

U.S. Attorney Bill Powell has announced some changes to his Senior Leadership Team. While some senior staff will continue to support Mr. Powell in their roles, some personnel changes have taken place in the management of the Wheeling, Martinsburg, Clarksburg, and Elkins offices.

The Senior Leadership Team are First Assistant U.S. Attorney Randolph J. Bernard, Administrative Officer Fawn E. Thomas, Civil Division Chief Sharon L. Potter, Criminal Division Chief Stephen L. Vogrin, Clarksburg Branch Office Supervisor Andrew R. Cogar, and Martinsburg Branch Office Supervisor Erin Reisenweber.

“I am excited about our new leadership team. Though all organizations lose experience when key personnel retire, the newly appointed members of the management team have all spent months preparing themselves for the jobs they have now assumed. I know that our district is in very capable hands, and I am proud to work with each and every one of them,” said Powell.

Sharon L. Potter has returned to the Northern District of West Virginia office as the Civil Division Chief. Ms. Potter is a former U.S. Attorney and Assistant U.S. Attorney for the district, handling financial fraud/tax investigations, health care fraud and violent and drug crimes. Previously, she was a partner at Spilman, Thomas, & Battle, PLLC.

Newly appointed Criminal Division Chief Stephen L. Vogrin has served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the past eight years in the district. In the past year and half, he served as the Criminal Division Supervisor for the Wheeling office. Mr. Vogrin has decades of prosecutorial experience, serving as a former Assistant Prosecuting Attorney in Ohio County prior to his time in the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew R. Cogar has been appointed as the new Branch Office Supervisor for the Clarksburg office. Since joining the U.S. Attorney’s Office in 2007, Mr. Cogar has prosecuted white collar crimes, drug and violent crimes, firearm offenses, and public corruption. He also co-founded and co-chairs the West Virginia Human Trafficking Task Force, and recently served as Senior Litigation Counsel in the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Mr. Cogar previously served as a trial attorney in the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.

Erin K. Reisenweber will serve as the Branch Office Supervisor for the Martinsburg office. Ms. Reisenweber has served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the district for the past 13 years. She previously served as the Deputy in Charge of the U.S. District Clerk’s Office in Martinsburg, as well as a law clerk for the Hon. W. Craig Broadwater in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia.

Assistant United States Attorney Randolph J. Bernard will continue in his role as First Assistant United States Attorney. Mr. Bernard previously served as the Chief of the Criminal Division. Mr. Bernard joined the office in 2002. Mr. Bernard has also served as the District Office Security Manager. Before becoming an Assistant United States Attorney, Mr. Bernard served as a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the Wheeling, West Virginia Resident Agency. Prior to the FBI, he was a litigator with Coolidge, Wall, Womsley & Lombard in Dayton, Ohio.

Fawn E. Thomas will continue in her role as Administrative Officer, serving as the Chief of the Administrative Division and as the primary advisor to the United States Attorney for planning and managing all office resources. Ms. Thomas has been with the office since 1983. Prior to her appointment as Administrative Officer, she served as the Public Affairs Specialist and the Human Resource Specialist. Ms. Thomas was previously an EEO Investigator for the Executive Office for United States Attorneys and an Evaluation and Review Staff Evaluator. Ms. Thomas also served on the Administrative Officers’ Working Group.

Original source can be found here.

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