
Former Goodwill employee claims she was fired for taking time off for medical treatment


Monday, March 10, 2025

Former Goodwill employee claims she was fired for taking time off for medical treatment

Federal Court

HUNTINGTON — A former Goodwill worker alleges she was fired for taking time off for medical treatment, an alleged violation of the Family Medical Leave Act.

Ann Corns filed a complaint in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia Huntington Division against Goodwill Industries of Kyowva Area Inc., alleging violation of the Family and Medical Leave Act and other claims. 

Corns began working for Goodwill in 2014. She alleges that in 2017, she informed her supervisors that due to her health condition, she would be undergoing additional treatments and doctor appointments. Corns claims she was suspended in August of 2017 and fired in Feb. of 2018, for excessive absenteeism, despite having documentation from her physician.

Corns seeks monetary relief, trial by jury, interest and all other just relief. She is represented by Hoyt Glazer of The Law Office of Hoyt Glazer PLLC in Huntington. 

U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia Huntington Division case number 3:20-cv-00112

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