
Jenkins Fenstermaker Attorneys named Best Lawyers


Monday, February 3, 2025

Jenkins Fenstermaker Attorneys named Best Lawyers

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Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC issued the following announcement on Sept. 14.

Eleven Jenkins Fenstermaker attorneys have been named to the 2021 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America. Since it was first published in 1981, Best Lawyers has become universally regarded as the definitive guide to legal excellence.

BestLawyers has published their list for over three decades, earning the respect of the profession, them media and the public as the most reliable, unbiased source of legal referrals. Its first international listw waspublished in 2006 and since then has grown to provide lists in over 75 countries. Inclusion in this list indicates these lawyers rank among the top five percent of private practice attorneys, as determined solely by their peers.

Lawyers on The Best Lawyers in America list are divided by geographic region and practice areas. They are reviewed by their peers on the basis of professional expertise, and undergo an authentication process to make sure they are in current practice and in good standing.

"While every attorney at Jenkins Fenstermaker gives their best for their clients, these team members recognized by Best Lawyers are outstanding.  To receive this recognition from our peers is a testament to all the efforts of these attorneys,” said Steve Wellman, CEO of Jenkins Fenstermaker.

Jenkins Fenstermaker would like to congratulate the following lawyers named to 2021 The Best

Lawyers in America list:

• Wesley F. Agee - Mergers and Acquisitions Law

• Allison J. Farrell – Oil and Gas Law

• Stephen J. Golder - Real Estate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions Law, Corporate Law, Business Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships), Commercial Transactions / UCC Law

• Lee Murray Hall - Insurance Law, Commercial Litigation

• James W. “Mac” Heslep - Workers' Compensation Law - Employers

• Charlotte A. Hoffman Norris - Health Care Law, Litigation - ERISA, Employment Law - Management

• Brian S. Lindsay - Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Defendants

• Thomas E. Scarr - Commercial Litigation, Bet-the-Company Litigation, Litigation - ERISA, Litigation - Labor and Employment, Litigation - Construction, Employment Law – Management, Criminal Defense – White Collar

• Robert H. “Bo” Sweeney - Commercial Litigation, Litigation - Construction, Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Defendants

• Barry M. Taylor - Medical Malpractice Law  - Defendants

• Steven K. Wellman - Workers' Compensation Law - Employers

About Jenkins Fenstermaker

Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC, with offices in Huntington and Clarksburg, West Virginia, provides representation in West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio, backed by more than 90 years of legal experience. Clients can find attorneys dedicated to quality, detail-oriented representation in business and commercial law; wills, trusts and estates; litigation; and labor and employment law.


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