
WEST VIRGINIA SUPREME COURT OF APPEALS: Justice Jenkins Makes Virtual Classroom Visits


Friday, February 21, 2025

WEST VIRGINIA SUPREME COURT OF APPEALS: Justice Jenkins Makes Virtual Classroom Visits

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West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals issued the following announcement on Nov. 19.

Do you have children? Do you like being a Justice?

What’s the most interesting case you’ve heard?

That’s what Amanda Coon’s fifth-grade students at C.W. Shipley Elementary School in Jefferson County wanted to know when West Virginia Supreme Justice Evan Jenkins met with the class virtually on Thursday, November 19.

Justice Jenkins also talked virtually this week with one of Anita Workman’s senior civics classes at Pocahontas County High School. Justice Jenkins talked to the students about the Supreme Court and the state judicial system and used his laptop to show the students the Supreme Court Courtroom. A former Congressman and legislator, he also talked about the roles of the different branches of federal and state government.

“I love visiting with students and talking about the courts. Whether it be the fifth graders from Jefferson County or high school students in Pocahontas County, giving students a virtual tour of our beautiful courtroom and talking about the important role of the judiciary, the students were really engaged and anxious to learn. It’s so important for West Virginia students to know about the judicial system,” said Justice Jenkins. “Seeing how our government works and, especially, letting them know that we are here to serve them was my goal. I want them to know that we work hard to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and equally in our courts.” “Justice Jenkins was a pleasure to have met,” said Ms. Coon. “He gave the students great insight into such a vital place in their state. He was very friendly and even answered the burning question of ‘how many pets do you have’?

“My students were shocked that someone so important took time out of their day for them and shared so many simple pleasures in life, like having pets,” Ms. Coon said. “After the Zoom call, my students said, "That was so cool," and many parents messaged me to thank me for enabling their student to have such an experience. Justice Jenkins is so personable and knowledgeable, and those two qualities made the experience unique and original.” Justice Jenkins, who will be Chief Justice beginning January 1, visited many classrooms in person before COVID and hopes to do so again when it is possible.

In the meantime, any teacher who would like him to visit a class or school virtually or in person, can schedule a visit with Supreme Court Public Information Officer Jennifer Bundy at Jennifer.bundy@courtswv.gov or call (office) (304-340-2306 or (cell) 304-437-5442 to arrange a date and time.

Original source can be found here.

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