

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Woman says Charleston physician unnecessarily did testosterone therapy



CHARLESTON — An Ohio woman is suing a Charleston physician for injuries sustained from testosterone therapy.

Lori A. Roser filed the lawsuit against Dr. William Jarrod Chapman, who treated patients at The Facial Center (TFC) in Kanawha County, according to a complaint filed in Kanawha Circuit Court.

Roser, who was 47 at the time, claims she saw Chapman at TFC on June 5, 2019, and underwent lab testing to check her testosterone level after suffering from low libido. She claims she was scheduled to return for testosterone pellet implantation, but the follow-up bloodwork showed her testosterone levels had increased more than 50 times.

Still, Chapman advised her to have another treatment of testosterone pellet implantation on September 17, 2019.

"Since September of 2019, Lori has grown physically, mentally and emotionally devastated due to the unanticipated changes brought about by the excessive and unconscionable levels of testosterone that were inserted into her by the defendant," the complaint states. "Lori has experienced bouts of nausea, headache and fatigue, and she has also experienced and continues to significant body changes, including facial hair growth, voice changes, a reduction in the size of her breasts, appreciable weight loss, noticeable swelling in her groin area as well as accompanying spells of excessive rage and aggressiveness.

"No reasonable medical justification existed for the defendant to submit Lori to pellet injections of testosterone in the male hormone range unless she desired sexual reassignment. At no time did Lori ever consent or desire sexual reassignment."

Roser claims the testosterone therapy was excessive and unconscionable and she suffered physical, mental and emotional devastation due to the therapy.

Chapman's conduct was willful, wanton and displaced a level of indifference to Roser's health, according to the suit.

Roser is seeking compensatory and punitive damages. She is represented by Brian J. Headley and Jonathan K. Matthew of Headley Ballard.

The case is assigned to Circuit Judge Maryclaire Akers.

Kanawha Circuit Court case number: 21-C-48


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