

Monday, June 17, 2024

Former employee sues Advance for wrongful termination

State Court


CHARLESTON — A man is suing Advance Stores Company alleging wrongful termination and violations of the West Virginia Human Rights Act.

Brian Sawyer filed the lawsuit against Advance Stores Company Inc. and Tim Larch alleging that he was wrongfully terminated by Larch, according to a complaint filed in Kanawha Circuit Court.

Sawyer was involved in a disagreement with another co-worker and had spoken with the defendants regarding the disagreement and requested action be taken, but nothing was done about the incident.

An indivudal named "Dan" began harassing the plaintiff and posting on social media about Sawyer and even almost fought Sawyer at work and called him a racist, according to the suit.

Sawyer, who is African American and Indian, claims he complained again to the defendants about Dan's harassment, however, the defendants terminated Sawyer's employment.

Sawyer claims the defendants' actions were against the West Virginia Human Rights Act and were retaliatory.

Sawyer is seeking compensatory and punitive damages. He is represented by D. Adrian Hoosier II of Hoosier Law Firm in Charleston.

The case is assigned to Circuit Judge Tera Salango.

Kanawha Circuit Court case number: 21-C-68


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